1. Fourteen years later (2:1-11)
Paul has already told us that the gospel he speaks of is not something he heard from someone else – it is the pure gospel he received directly from the risen Lord Jesus. In today’s chapter 2, Paul tells us that this pure gospel he speaks of is approved and recognised by the original Jerusalem church.
Verse 1: “Then after fourteen years”. Depending on when this ‘then’ is taken to be, different theories have emerged as to the purpose, date and place of writing of this letter. The Acts of the Apostles records Paul’s visit to Jerusalem on three occasions. (i) Acts 9:26-30 (visiting Peter), (ii) Acts 11:29-30 (transporting supplies) and (iii) Acts 15 (attending the Jerusalem Conference). So if we take the 14 years that have elapsed as the time of (2), when he was carrying relief supplies, then Paul wrote this letter to the region of southern Galatia, i.e. Iconium and Lustera. The date of writing is around 50 or 51 AD, in the middle of his second missionary journey, during his stay in Corinth. If we take the 14 years elapsed as the time of his attendance at the Jerusalem conference in (iii), then the destination would be northern Galatia, and the date of writing would be during his third missionary journey, around 55 or 56 AD, when he was in Ephesus.
The majority theory is that he was in southern Galatia, but this has not been conclusively established. In any case, the gospel as Paul told it was accepted by the Jerusalem church. And there was also a unity of missionary strategy between Paul and Peter, with Paul continuing his mission to the Gentiles and Peter to the Jews.
2. the gospel is reflected in actions (2:12-21)
But v.11. So there is a disagreement when Kephas, or Peter, comes to Antioch. Peter was an important leader in the early church, but at first he was friendly with the Gentile Christians. However, when those who were concerned about circumcision, which was important to the Jews, came into the church, he began to distance himself from the uncircumcised Gentiles. To such Peter, Paul accuses you of saying and doing different things (v.14).
In verses 16 and 17 Paul argues. Certainly the Jews are different from other peoples in that they are born, taught God’s law and live by God’s commandments. They are different from other peoples in their values, their way of life and their way of living. In a sense, we are not sinners like them. However, it is not a question of having such an education and practising the Torah that makes a person right with God. It is about recognising that everyone, Jew and Gentile, is a sinner whose relationship with God is broken, and that the cross of Jesus is necessary for the forgiveness of their sins and the restoration of that relationship. They accept and believe that Jesus suffered God’s wrath and punishment by being crucified in our place, and that is all that is necessary.
However, Paul’s gospel-only argument was criticised by the Jews as an abdication of human responsibility to live a better life (v17), and as too good to receive God’s blessing without trying.
But Paul says: “If you experience such a gracious salvation, you will be saved” (v.18). But Paul says, “If you experience such a gracious salvation, why not try to do the opposite? Those who live a life of self-satisfaction after salvation, saying, “That’s it”, do not really understand the saving grace they received in the first place.
The fact is that those who have received the forgiveness of sins in Christ have died with Christ (v.20). What is alive now is a new person through the resurrection life of Christ. So the old sinful life will not continue, he says. Let us live a new life as those who have received salvation in Christ.
God’s word is true. So, God bless you and see you tomorrow
新改訳2017バイブルnavi の解説と併せて読みました。