【シーズン6】使徒の働き17章 ギリシアでの宣教【聖書】人生100倍の祝福


パウロは、神の御計画に従って、ギリシアへと宣教を展開していきます。しかし、神の計らいとは言え、妨害が止むことはありませんでした。パウロを追いかけて、パウロの働きを阻止しようとするユダヤ人も後に続くのです(1テサロニケ 2:2)。ただそれは、パウロが、自分が持っている律法学者の資格を活かして、世界に点在する離散ユダヤ人の会堂に出向いて宣教をしたので、当然の結果であったのかもしれません。当時、たくさんのユダヤ人がエルサレム以外に移住していました。記録によると、ユダヤ人はインドにまで進出し、ユダヤ人の会堂が建てられていたことがわかっています。ともあれ、パウロはギリシアのマケドニア地方を横切るエグナティア街道を通ってテサロニケへ向かいます。しかしユダヤ人の妨害のため、そのままベレヤへと移動しました。







Acts 17 Mission to Greece

1. Mission to Greece (17:1-21)

According to God’s plan, Paul went on a mission to Greece. However, in spite of God’s plan, obstacles did not cease. Some Jews followed Paul and tried to stop his ministry (1 Thessalonians 2:2). However, this may have been a natural consequence of Paul’s missionary efforts as he used his qualifications as a scribe to go to the synagogues of the scattered Jews throughout the world. By this time, many Jews had migrated outside of Jerusalem. Records show that Jews went as far away as India, where Jewish synagogues were built. In any case, Paul was on his way to Thessalonica via the Egnatian road, which crosses the Macedonian region of Greece. However, because of the Jewish obstruction, he went directly to Berea.

Berea was a relatively large city with a large Jewish population and a synagogue. The people who gathered there listened to what Paul had to say and confirmed what he said in the Bible. This must have been a great encouragement to Paul. In Jesus’ parable of the sower, it is like the seed falling on good soil.

Next was Athens, a great city. The people of Athens “spent their days doing nothing but talking and hearing new things. In Jesus’ parable of the sower, they are compared to a heart that is like a well-trodden path. They have ears to hear, but they don’t listen, they forget, and that’s the end of it. Wherever they went, the reaction of the people was different.

2. Sermon in Athens (17:22-34)

The author, Luke, recorded one of Paul’s sermons in Athens. Let us briefly summarize its content. First, verses 24 and 25, God is Lord of all and does not need temples or the various religious rituals of men. Next, verses 26-27 say that man needs God because he was created by God. Some people often say, “Why do you need to believe in God when you evangelize? But the reason to believe is because God is, and God created man. Verse 28 says that God is invisible to our eyes, but He is very close to us. Finally, verse 29 says that it is foolish to worship God as an image made of gold, silver, or stone (vv. 28-29).

There are many gods made of wood and stone that are worshipped in Japan. But no one really believes that they are gods. Paul says that we should no longer be ignorant of God. We must be aware of the fact that we “live and move and have our being in God.

In fact, after writing this blog for more than 26 years and prayerfully studying the Bible every morning, I have come to realize this myself. Nature is indeed very good. This morning was another beautiful morning. A few months ago, dawn had not yet broken and Orion was still beautifully visible. Gradually the sky turned white and the early risers began to sing. By now, the early risers have finally gone somewhere, and it is morning when the crows and cicadas begin to sing. As I read the Bible each morning, I became aware of the rhythms of a well-made nature. And if God created these worlds for our blessing, it is also how much God loves us. Let us be thankful for God’s abundant blessings and live our lives with great anticipation. I pray that today will be another good day.


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