2 Corinthians 13 Final recommendation.
1. Boast in weakness (14:1-5)
So far Paul has made several criticisms of false apostles. They may be admirable men in terms of their background, oratory and spiritual experience. But Paul foolishly puts them in their place, saying that they cannot be beaten in these respects (chapters 11 and 12). He then tells them that if they are really proud, he would like to be proud of his own weakness.
For, he says, Christ was crucified (v.4) because of his weakness, but he lives by the power of God. So do we. It is by the power of God that we now live. If anything is done through us, it is by God’s power, not ours. If it is indeed in our weakness that God’s power works, then we are all the prouder of our weakness and want to testify that God is alive.
2. No mercy this time
Paul then makes a very important decision. Do not bring such worldly things into the church again. The next time I visit and find such things in your churches – strife, envy, resentment, pride, confusion – this time I will not tolerate it, Paul says. The church is not such a place, he says. He wants us to really value that part of our life with Christ through the power of God.
Indeed, it is precisely because people are tired of the pomp and circumstance of secular society that they find comfort in a church that has nothing to do with such an atmosphere. But Christians are different. There are Christians who are so tired of the church that they shut out the church-like atmosphere. That is why Paul says: “Test yourselves and examine yourselves, whether you are living the faith”.
3.Recommendation for bad Christians (14:6-13).
So what should you do if, as a result of your testing, you realise that you are totally unfit to be a Christian? You should go back to the basics of faith growth and ask God to change you from the point of recognition (v.7). You may end up with a demerit and a cross in society. But the church starts by noticing your Batu mark. It is important to be spiritually aware.
Verse 11. Paul lovingly calls out to the brethren and Christians who face their weaknesses with such sincerity. Rejoice. Nothing is impossible with God. God will change you, so rejoice, he says.
And secondly, when you realise it, strive for perfection. Grow and perfect your faith. Thirdly, he says, take comfort. Paul was depressed because he could not solve the problems of the Corinthian church and was reminded of his own weakness, but he fought on, comforted and strengthened by God. And fourth, he tells us to be united in our thoughts. Be united in making the church a place where God’s glory overflows. And finally, keep the peace. Do not cause conflict in the Church. If you have conflicts, turn them to good and become mature Christians who strengthen the church. Do not destroy God’s garden. The Church is a place of rest and refuge for all, where the God of love and peace is present. Let us all take care of it.
God’s word is true. So, blessings to you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.