1.花婿を迎える十人の娘(25:1-13) 24章に続いて、終末と神の国を巡るたとえ話が続きます。花婿を迎える十人の娘のたとえ、タラントのたとえ、そして羊と山羊のたとえ、と大きく三つあります。順に見てまいりましょう。
Matthew 25: Life Prepared for the End of the World
1. the ten daughters who receive the bridegroom (25:1-13)
Chapter 24 is followed by a series of parables about the end of the world and the Kingdom of God. There are three major parables: the parable of the ten daughters who receive the bridegroom, the parable of the talents, and the parable of the sheep and the goats. Let us look at them in order.
First, the parable of the ten daughters who greet the bridegroom. Five of the daughters were wise and five were foolish. In the parable at the end of chapter 24 about the servant who was entrusted with a task by his master, the servant was caught off guard, thinking that his master would be late getting home, but in this story in chapter 25, the servant was caught off guard, thinking that his master would be late getting home. In the story in chapter 25, however, the servant was not careless. It is an example of a man who was prepared to receive his master, but failed to prepare for his master’s return.
They know and understand what the Bible says about the end of the world, but they don’t take it very seriously. So, a life of faith that is only a formality. Both church service and fellowship are “socializing. Maintaining so-called relationships. That’s why they don’t pray or read the Bible much when they go home. They don’t think about facing the Word of God and living with their brothers and sisters, fighting the battle of faith. All such people should be called the five foolish daughters.
The night is deepening and the day is drawing near. Let us therefore put off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:12). The day when we will meet God is near, so if we say that we have faith, then we should strive to live a life of faith with our brothers and sisters who are living in faith!
2. the parable of the talents (25:14-30)
So what does it mean to have oil ready? Matthew tells it with two parables: the parable of the talents and the parable of the goats. The parable of the talents is similar to the parable of Mina in Luke. In the parable of the talents, there is a difference in what is deposited: five talents, two talents, and one talent. In the parable of the mina, on the other hand, what is entrusted is all one mina, the same amount. In other words, some human beings are given equally to God, and some are not. Matthew focuses on the differences among individuals, that is, talents and abilities, and says that we should make proper use of them, and that is how we are to be equipped with oil.
This is an important point. If we don’t have that awareness, we will just be absorbed in a life where we entertain ourselves with them or pride ourselves on them and look down on others. I think I was like that before Christ taught me that. No, I think I lived a pseudo-Christian life, which is not easy to do even when Christ teaches us to do so. Let us make use of the unique abilities and powers we have been given for the sake of the times in which we live!
3. the parable of the sheep and the goats (25:31-46)
Now, some of you may be thinking to yourself, “I don’t think God has given me such a big talent to be useful to others. But Matthew speaks to us in the parable of the sheep and the goats. To pay attention to others, to care for them, to talk to them, it may be a small thing, but in fact, it can encourage, help, and be a great support to others. There is no need to think of life as a big deal, as if we are doing something good for the world. Just show the natural human concern and kindness in your daily life. I pray that you will have a good day today.