人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エステル記2章 忘却





2. 忘れられたモルデカイの貢献






Chapter 2: Election of Esther

1. the election of a new queen

 New Revised Translation (Shinkai-yaku) In the third edition, it was “after this event,” but in 2017, it is “after these events” as in the plural of the original. In other words, it is not simply the events of Vashti. Perhaps it also included Xerxes’ failed invasion of Greece. The discouraged king was beginning to feel unmoved by Vashti. However, in a sense, the entourage was in danger of being forced to attend to the capricious king and resurrect Vashti. They proposed the election of a new queen. And many beautiful women were gathered.

 Verse 6, “This Kish” in the original is the relative pronoun “he. The New Common Translation (

Shinkyodo-yaku) is “this man. However, if we translate “this man,” the context would remind us of the aforementioned Mordecai. If that is the case, “he” is a captive, so Mordecai’s age would be close to 120 years old, and Esther would probably be a woman close to 70 years old. The New Revised Version interprets “he” as “Kish” and translates it. Thus, Mordecai and Esther were not only cousins, but also adopted father and daughter.

Esther was also called to the king as a candidate for queen. Mordecai orders Esther not to reveal her Jewish identity. Some say that this was done to increase interest in Esther by keeping her origin a mystery, others say that it was done for her own safety, and that she wanted to be excluded from the queen’s list by not knowing her identity, and still others say that it was done by divine revelation, without any intention. Regardless, Esther was considered a strong candidate for queen. Esther was favored and cared for by Hegai. There must have been the guidance of God’s invisible hand. Esther, too, accepted things very openly. She never asked for anything except what Hegai, who knew the king’s tastes, recommended. Thus, she was treated favorably, received the king’s favor exceptionally well, and became his queen. The month of Tebetes corresponds to the present December-January. 2.

2. the forgotten contribution of Mordecai

In verse 19, the daughters were gathered again after the decision was made on Queen Esther. There are various theories that the king was not satisfied with Esther and chose her again, or that he did it on purpose to arouse her jealousy so that she would reveal her identity to him. The reason is not clear. However, at that time, a plot to assassinate the king was hatched, and this was conveyed to the king in Mordecai’s name. The traitors were promptly punished, but Mordecai’s treatment was merely recorded. However, this would be the trigger for the great reversal that would follow.

Humans forget things, but God does not. God’s faithfulness and truthfulness should always be kept in mind. God remembers things that humans would put away as small things. Mordecai did not receive any immediate reward at this time. It was recorded but forgotten. But God chose just the right time to bring it to mind. What God does is timely and beautiful. Therefore, we should always be faithful in fulfilling the duties that we have been given, without being saddened by our own disappointments. Let us walk with an open mind, leaving everything in God’s hands. God will reward us for our labor at just the right time. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. In the Hebrew Old Testament, what is the book of Esther classified as? (1) History, (2) Prophecy, (3) Various books, the answer is: Various books. Now for today’s Bible quiz.

Esther is a Persian name, but what is its Hebrew name? The answers are (1) Hadassah, (2) Amestris, and (3) Vashti. I wish you a good day.


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