人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記6章 毅然として









Chapter 6 Work resolutely

1. realize one’s weakness

The walls were nearing completion, with only the gates to be repaired. Opponents living around Jerusalem did their best to stop the work, but the walls were nearing completion. As a last resort, Geshem the Arab summons Nehemiah personally to stop this. Four times he offered to meet with Nehemiah, and finally sent him an open letter. He said that there was a rumor that Nehemiah was going to rebel against Persia when he became king about the construction work in Jerusalem, so let’s discuss it before it spreads.

That’s why Nehemiah prays in verse 9, “Oh, strengthen me now.” Was he about to cave in to a deep-seated organized conspiracy? Or maybe he was angry with Geshem for using such a palliative hand, and thought that the Lord should punish him? Neither. Perhaps he just prayed that he would be supported in the weakness of his own heart that could not keep up with what God was trying to do. Everything is in God’s hands. God will surely accomplish his purpose. However, the work that God is trying to do is so great that there are times when I wonder how far I can go with this task. There will be times when you only see your own weaknesses and inadequacies. But at such times, it is to get the strength of God by shouting to God over and over again, “Oh, give me strength now.”

2. fight resolutely

When the lure by the open letter failed, Shemaiah warned Nehemiah to retreat to the temple, a safe haven, because he was in danger of being killed. The enemy intended to kill Nehemiah, and the threat was real. However, Nehemiah, who was not a priest, was guilty of breaking the law by hiding inside the temple. It would also show that Nehemiah could not trust God by hiding in fear of his enemies. Nehemiah flatly rejects the offer. It was the same with that Jesus. Jesus also rejected the Pharisees’ offer to leave because Herod wanted to kill him (Luke 13:31-33). Jesus was fearless. Even the apostle Paul refused to change course, even though hardships lay ahead of him (Acts 20:22, 23). Indeed, Proverbs says, “The wicked flee without being pursued, but the fearful of God has nothing to fear” (Proverbs 28:1). We must withdraw from sin and temptation, but we must not withdraw from what God wills, no matter what difficulties we encounter. As the writer of Hebrews says, “We are not those who fear and perish, but those who believe and perish” (Hebrews 10:38).

“God expects us to believe, stay alive, and win.” With such resolute efforts, the walls were finally completed in 52 days. According to the historian Josephus, it took two years and four months, but the biblical record says otherwise. Nehemiah’s departure was in the second month, and Elul, when the wall was completed, was in the sixth month. Considering the number of days it took to arrive in Jerusalem, it was just as recorded by Nehemiah, and it would be better to think that it was completed quickly thanks to God’s wondrous grace and help. God’s definite blessing lies in praying for strength and protection when your heart seems to be spinning. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is not Israeli money? (1) Lepta, (2) Shekel, (3) Asarion, the answer is (3) Asarion. In addition, minas and talents are Greek coins. So for today’s Bible quiz, which of the following is not the name of the Jewish calendar? (1) Eluru, (2) Nisan, (3) Aviv, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.


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