【シリーズ6】ヨハネの手紙第三 ガイオ【聖書】人生100倍の祝福









 彼は、ヨハネを拒否し、ヨハネと交わる人々を拒絶しました。そして言いたい放題、やりたい放題、ある意味で、クリスチャンの親切心、忍耐、柔和さに付け込むような人でしょう。しかし、教会は、そのような人を識別して、やはり、正しい対応をしなくてはなりません。 ヨハネは、ディオテレペスのようになってはいけない、確かな判断力を持ちなさい、と勧めます。そして、むしろデメテリオのようでありなさい、と言います。デメテリオは、おそらくガイオと同様、真理の内を歩み、神のことばに従う人だったのでしょう。


Letter of John III Gaius

1. a man like Gaioth (1:1-8)

 The recipient of “Third Epistle of John” is Gaius. We do not know exactly what kind of person he is. However, given that John calls him “beloved Gaius” (v. 1) and “beloved one” (vv. 2, 5), he must have been someone who was saved by John or had a special relationship with him.

At any rate, John seems to feel okay about Gaius’ state of mind (v. 4), but he is concerned about his physical condition. Apparently, he was not feeling well. John prays for Gaius’ health to get better (v. 2).

Now John, in his earlier second epistle, warns the “chosen lady” not to entertain false teachers. Here, however, he encourages them to entertain true pastors and itinerant evangelists. And it seems that Gaius not only opened his home to these itinerant evangelists, but also assisted them on their journeys by providing money, food, mending and washing their clothes. Gaius seems to have been a man who diligently supported the Lord’s workers in his capacity as a layman. He was a man who was faithful to the Word of God and shared what he had so that the mission would go forward. In this way, he was a companion of John and many itinerant evangelists.

2. a man like Diotrephes (1:9-11)

 Unfortunately, however, not everyone in the church is like Gaius.

Verse 9, there are also people like Diotrephes. In other words, he seems to have been an old congregation member in that church, but, apparently, a critical one. He was offended and hurt by the words of others in the church. In other words, they intentionally annoy and offend others. He speaks coldly and is harsher than necessary. And he was the kind of person who would kick people out of the church if he didn’t like them.

 He is a person who makes you think about a lot of things. It is often said that Japanese people are drawn to people with loud voices. If someone speaks in a strong tone and loud voice, they will be dragged down by it, and the right thing will not be done. Indeed, this may well describe the characteristics of the Japanese people. The church where Diotrephes was located may also have been a place where such a thing was prevalent.

 He rejected John and those who communed with him. He would be the kind of person who would say whatever he wanted, do whatever he wanted, and, in a sense, take advantage of the kindness, patience, and meekness of Christians. But the church must still identify such people and respond in the right way. John encourages us not to be like Diotrephes, but to have sound judgment and to be more like Demeterio. Perhaps Demeterio, like Gaius, was a man who walked in truth and obeyed the Word of God.

 The Church needs more people like Gaius and Demeterio and fewer people like Diotrephes. People who are spiritually healthy, have solid discernment, and can speak and do what is right. The development of the church depends on people like that. The Word of God is true. God bless you. See you tomorrow on this channel.