【シーズン6】ヨハネの手紙第二 霊性の深さ【聖書】人生100倍の祝福










2 John Depth of Spirituality

1. formal greeting (1:1-3)

 The sender of this letter is an “elder. Traditionally, this person is considered to be the apostle John because of the terminology and stylistic features used. As for the addressee, “the elect women and their children,” some have suggested that there were literally such women and children. Others believe that it is symbolically the Church. No conclusion has been reached. I myself think that the woman is the female steward or representative of the Church, and the children may refer to the congregation of that Church.

 In any case, John tells us from the beginning that he truly loves this church. The word “truly” is not an emotional expression of “from the heart,” but rather an objective fact that they are bound together “by the truth,” that is, by Christ. Thus, he says that “those who know the truth” (v. 1), that is, the people of the other churches, all love you. In short, verses 1-3 are, in a sense, a formal greeting of a letter, but they nevertheless confirm the thoughts of those who stand in the same love of the cross.

2. Love one another (1:5-6)

 Now John gets down to business. First, he commands us to love one another (v. 5). This is a repetition of what John wrote in his first letter. It is not a new command, but really a basic command for Christians. Moreover, this love is what Jesus taught us to do with His own body on the cross.

 Everyone is taught to be kind and helpful to others. Not only at home, but also at school, there are moral lessons where we are taught not to bully others and to be kind to those who are in a weaker position than ourselves. However, bullying has not disappeared from society. It is not all the stories that make the news every day; there are probably many forms of bullying that do not come to the forefront. The problem is the reality that people cannot admit their own guilt. The bully is not the only sinner. Everyone has an ugly heart that bullies others. Until people can honestly acknowledge this fact, bullying will not disappear from our society. People need to accept God’s declaration of forgiveness on the cross of Jesus as being for them, to repent, and to be taught to live in God’s love, not in their own self-centeredness.

 In this sense, the Christian church, which speaks of repentance and forgiveness of sins and of God’s love on the cross, is the light and hope of the world. The Church speaks of values that are truly important in human society. From the outside, the activities of the Christian church may look like evangelism, but it is really nothing more than speaking about what is natural and necessary for human beings. We need to speak firmly.

3 Let the Church Be the Church (1:7-13)

The church is a place where the teachings of Christ are spoken. And the center of Christ’s teaching is the love of the cross, and anyone who does not speak of that, anyone who does not cherish that teaching, is a deceiver, an antichrist, and we say, “Do not accept such a person. Do not invite a teacher who is just a good talker. Building the Church requires a certain depth of spirituality. You must be able to see the essence of what you are doing. Not only the pastor, but also the core members of the church must have the spiritual discernment to see through to what is important. Ultimately, the power of the church lies in the desire of each person gathered in the church to cherish the cross of Christ. The Word of God is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.