【シーズン6】ヨハネの黙示録1章 七つの教会への序言【聖書】人生100倍の祝福















Revelation 1 Preface to the Seven Churches

1. Before reading Revelation

 Today we will begin reading Revelation. Revelation, like Genesis, describes what mankind has not experienced. Genesis tells of the beginning of mankind, and Revelation tells of its end. It is told in a way that the author received and passed on a secret known only to God.

 Therefore, the first part of the book begins with “The Revelation of Jesus Christ. In other words, Revelation is not the creation of the author John. It is a form of conveying what John received from Jesus, not what he heard with his ears, but what he saw through a vision.

 What is also important is how the first readers of the book read it. Nothing has been interpreted more independently of Jewish language and culture than the book of Revelation, and nothing has been used as a vehicle for Christian heresy and emerging religions. However, the book of Revelation is written in the literary form of apocalyptic literature, a form that was popular among the people of the time. It is a literary technique of telling things through images. So, if you have such background knowledge and read it from the first reader’s point of view, i.e., with the assumption of knowledge of Jewish culture and the Old Testament, it is not so difficult.

 At any rate, some may have a vague sense of fear about the book of Revelation and its contents. But verse 3 says that it was written for the happiness of its readers. So I say, take this up in worship, read it, and take it to heart with everyone.

2. to the seven churches (1:1-6)  In verse 4, the destination is the seven churches in Asia. Asia was the province of Asia in the Roman administrative region at that time, which is now the western coast of the Republic of Turkey, and was addressed to the seven churches scattered there. To those churches, greetings are sent from “the One who is now, who was once, and who will soon come. It is, so to speak, a letter from God, the Eternal Father, who began history and will end history. The “seven” in the sender’s other name, “the seven Spirits,” is a perfect number in Jewish culture, so it is from the Holy Spirit Himself, the perfect God. Then, in verse 5, the three beatitudes are from “the first-born from the dead,” that is, from the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.

Here again, the doctrine of the Trinity is clear, and it is essential to take this as a greeting from the triune God (vv. 4, 5).

 Now John, on behalf of Christians, praises the glory and power of Christ. He sees God’s love for us (v. 6) Jesus, who is in fact God, offered Himself on the cross to free us from a life of sin. Furthermore, God has made us kings and priests. There is no longer any such thing as human garbage. God sees every person as precious, like a king. Therefore, there is no such thing as a useless person. God sees everyone as a precious vessel for Himself, a trustworthy mediator. If God is indeed such a person, then we should be inclined to praise Him.

 And John says, “God is the promised one. And John says that God will return in a visible and tangible way, just as He promised. And all men will realize that what is written in the Bible is true, and that there is indeed a Judge in the world.

3. Jesus and John (1:9-20)

 John was on the island of Patmos at the time of this event. It was a penal colony with silver mines. He had been exiled to the island because of his faith. He was experiencing the very “tribulation in Jesus,” but John speaks of it as an experience of receiving the Kingdom and a time of perseverance (v. 9). For John, who was already nearly 90 years old, life in exile was a time of survival, but John was unfazed (v. 9).

 He was unaffected (v. 9), probably because he was protected by the peace of Jesus. In fact, John met the Lord Jesus there in a vision, and in verse 12 Jesus is standing in the middle of the seven churches, the seven candlesticks. 7 is the perfect number, the word for the whole, and “candlestick” is replaced by “church” in verse 20, which means that Jesus is standing in the center of the universal church. Jesus stands at the center of the universal church. The figure of Jesus is figuratively described by seven similes. His head and hair are as white as wool and as white as snow” (v. 14) describes His perfect purity, and ‘His eyes are like a burning fire’ (v. 14) describes His severity. In other words, John feels the splendor and excellence of Jesus and His reign at first hand. And in the face of this overwhelming glory of God, he is deeply afraid. Certainly, standing in the presence of God is an extremely fearful, down-to-earth experience. But God speaks like a friend, v. 17: “Do not be afraid.”

Jesus then commands John to write down all that he sees now and all that he is told will happen later. Blessed are those who keep in mind what is written down, for the time is near. He says that God, who has opened the curtain of history, is about to close it, and that the curtain is about to come down. Let us read carefully through the next 22 chapters together to see what the book of Revelation is trying to tell us. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.