人生100倍の視野【聖書】ハバクク書2章 悪者は裁かれる











Chapter 2: The Wicked Will Be Judged

1. talking to god

Habakkuk was not the only one who decided to see what would happen if he objected to God. So did Jonah (4:5). It’s interesting how we ask God our own questions and then wait for His response. It is often said that we “walk with God,” but I wonder if we are living a life in which we are in heart to heart with God in this way. Do we protest to God and end up poisoning Him, make requests to God and end up crying out to God, or is it always a one-way street? Once a prophet, Samuel, asked King Saul to wait until God’s will was revealed to him, but Saul could not wait. And maybe many of us do.

Chapter 2 is God’s response to Habakkuk’s protests. In conclusion, God says that He will use the Chaldeans as instruments to punish Israel, until He judges them the same way if they turn to evil. In other words, God will judge the proud and save those who live by faith.

God elaborates on this principle in verses 5-20 before commanding us to “write down the vision on the tablets to confirm it” (v. 2). The vision refers to this very prophecy of Habakkuk. It is important to keep in mind that Habakkuk is not writing down the voice of God by hearing it. Like John, who wrote the book of Revelation, Habakkuk saw the vision of God with his eyes and wrote it down as a prophecy (1:1). He is then commanded to testify to the correctness of God’s word (v. 3).

2. Regarding verse 4

In verse 4, the Hebrew word emunah, translated “faith,” is generally translated “truth” or “faithfulness,” not “faith. Also, in Exodus 17:12, emunah is used for Moses’ hands being “firmly lifted up,” and its original meaning seems to be “unwavering.” In other words, this sentence would be Isaiah-esque in that “those who are firm in their aspirations” will be protected and live by it (Isaiah 26:3).

In the Shinkai-yaku Translation 2017, “The righteous shall live by his faith,” which has been the subject of various debates, since the Hebrew original translates “his (or her) truth” and the Greek Septuagint translates “my truth” differently. However, as Isaiah’s paraphrase of “he who is firm of intention” as “he who trusts in God” shows, man’s truth is weighed by his trust in God’s truth. The same is true of the Apostle Paul’s usage. He quotes this phrase twice in the New Testament. One is in Romans 1:17, where he recommends trust in God’s righteousness after speaking of the righteousness that comes from God through faith. Another is in Galatians 3:11, where after contrasting righteousness by law with righteousness by faith, he teaches that trusting in the works of God saves (Galatians 3:22). In other words, those who trust in God’s righteousness and His works will survive, but those who trust in their own righteousness and works and are self-conceited or crooked in heart will be destroyed.

Having thus clearly stated the principle, God pronounces five plagues against the acts of the Chaldeans, the so-called “proud and arrogant. They are plunder (vv. 6-8), greed (vv. 9-11), violence (vv. 12-15), debauchery and cruelty (vv. 15-17), and idolatry (vv. 18-20), and God says that He will never forgive even the Chaldeans, whom He has made vessels of judgment, if they turn to evil. God is righteous. He is the One who sees the heart. There is a God who sees the heart, not the superficial, and judges righteously. We must trust in what God is doing, lean on God’s truthfulness, and walk in a way that does not stray from God’s righteousness. I pray that you will have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which region does the Bible originally refer to as Chaldea? (1) the lower Tigris-Euphrates, (2) the middle Tigris-Euphrates, and (3) the upper Tigris-Euphrates. The answer is: (1) Lower Tigris-Euphrates. It referred to the area between Babylon and the Persian Gulf. There were cities such as Ur, the hometown of Abraham. Later, however, the term was used to refer to the entire Babylonian Empire. Here is today’s Bible quiz. Which New Testament author cites Habakkuk 2:4 the most? (1) Paul, (2) Peter, and (3) the author of Hebrews. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.