【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書7章 いのちある本物の信仰











Matthew 7: Authentic Faith with Life

1. do not judge

We have all had that experience of dust in our eyes. Jesus teaches an important truth, touching on our own familiar experiences. And in a humorous way. In other words, there is a kind person who is trying to remove the dust from his eyes. But instead of a larger piece of dust, there is a “beam” stuck in that eye. Wait a minute! isn’t it? I guess I would have asked him to do something about his own eyes first, and then touch the eyes of others. Laughter on everyone’s face as they listen to Jesus. I can imagine such a scene.

Verse 1 says, “Do not judge. He says not to criticize others easily. You may have the same problems, or even more problems. We are all 50-50. We are not perfect. It is fundamental to live with an awareness of human weakness and imperfection. However, there are times when we have to say what needs to be said while still having such an understanding. In such cases, we must speak with a sense of the other person’s ability to understand and accept what we are saying. Otherwise, it is “pearls to swine” (v. 6). Since they do not understand the meaning and value of what is said, they will be turned off and have a hard time.

2. ask for it.

Verse 7: “Ask, and it will be given to you. In some Christian homes, these words may be decoratively displayed in the foyer or on the walls of the passageway. These words alone seem to tell us to ask God for everything. But what is important is the context. These words are spoken in the context of what follows in verse 6. In other words, “pearls to swine,” how do we respond to those who do not understand the value of God’s word and trample on it? This is the answer to the context. The answer is to pray and not give up easily.

If you think about it, Jesus is the resurrected Lord. Once you pass through the gate of death, you can never return, but Jesus is the one who broke through the gate and resurrected. If that is the case, it is a piece of cake to open people’s stubborn hearts. We must continue to pray for the salvation of souls, and only then will missionary work proceed as God’s work, not the work of men. It is important to pray and to continue to relate to others with love. This leads to the teaching of love in verse 12, “Whatever you want others to do to you, do likewise to them,” which is called the Golden Rule. The “law and the prophets” are synonymous with the Old Testament. In other words, the Golden Rule is the core of the Old Testament teachings.

3. putting god’s word into practice

From verse 13, the contrast of words continues. The “gate leading to life” and the “gate leading to destruction” (vv. 13-14), “good tree” and “bad tree” (vv. 15-20), “one who only says, ‘Lord, Lord'” and “one who does the will of the Father” (vv. 21-23), “a house built on rock” and “a house built of sand” (vv. 24-27). In both cases, the false and the real are contrasted. In other words, it is important for disciples of Christ to be genuine, not counterfeit. The faith of the scribes and Pharisees was superficial and veneer-like. Genuine faith first “enters through the narrow gate” (v. 13). Certainly the core biblical teaching of remaining lovingly involved and practicing the Golden Rule is not as easy as it sounds. However, no miracles of God can happen in a life of easy living.

Verse 15 also says, “Beware of false prophets. False prophets teach love and pretend to love others, but they have hidden ulterior motives. They are people who take advantage of sincere believers. If you want to live a life of genuine faith, you must discern the real ones to follow closely. The key to this is to look at the kind of fruit of life that those who teach are producing.

Then verse 24 says, “Build your house on the rock. If we are to live a life of genuine faith, we should be mindful that even if we have people to emulate, they are still people, people who are diligent in their weakness as sinners. After all, it is the Word of God, not man, that we should listen to carefully, take heed to God’s Word, and build our lives firmly on God’s Word. Then, no matter what storms may come, you will not be affected. If you are going to live by faith, aim for the real thing. Don’t settle for something fake. I wish you a good day today.

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