【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書8章 イエスの権威と五つ奇蹟












Matthew 8: Jesus’ Authority and the Five Miracles

1. the healing of the man of Zaraath

In chapters 5-7, Matthew addressed Jesus’ teaching and conveyed what genuine faith looks like. His teaching was authoritative (7:28-29). In the following chapters, chapters 8-9, we will discuss the various miraculous works of Jesus so that we can see that His authority is solid. Five of Jesus’ works will be briefly described.

The first is the healing of a man affected by tsaraat. In the Old Testament, tsaraat was actually a medical disease, but it was also a disease that was strongly considered a religious defilement. Therefore, people with tsara’at could not participate in temple services. In the New Testament era, tsaraat was regarded as a serious punishment from God for committing a serious sin, and was even shut out from society.

It was against this backdrop that a tsaraat-infested person, among a large crowd, cried out to Jesus for help. If Jesus had been like the ordinary scribes of His day, they would have been rebuked and driven away by Him. But Jesus reaches out and touches him and declares, “Be clean. In this way, he first demonstrates to the people that he has the authority to remove religious defilement.

2. healing of the centurion’s servant

Next, in verse 5, the healing of the centurion’s servant is recorded. He was a low-ranking officer under the command of Herod Antipas, a Gentile. He was also considered by the Jews to be a man who was not allowed to approach God. He came to Jesus for help. It is noteworthy that he recognized Jesus’ authority and was willing to kneel to it. Jesus commends his attitude of faith in Himself and further indicates in verse 11 that the kingdom of heaven belongs to such a one. Thus, Matthew tells us that Jesus’ authority is no longer over one people or one nation, but over all people throughout the world.

3. healing of Peter’s mother-in-law

Third, in verse 14, Peter’s mother-in-law is healed (14-17). Matthew summarizes that these are the same things that the Old Testament prophet Isaiah prophesied. Jesus is the Messiah and Savior prophesied in the Old Testament. To those who thus recognize Jesus’ authority and follow him, Matthew quotes Jesus’ words to warn them that becoming his disciples is not the easy path to stability and prosperity that most people seek (v. 20). However, he tells them that, in truth, it is the path that people should follow (v. 22).

4. the miracle of calming the storm and casting out demons

Fourth, from verse 23, the miracle of calming the storm is recorded, and fifth, from verse 28, the miracle of casting out demons in the land of the Gadarenes is recorded. As can be seen by comparing these passages with the same events also recorded in the Gospels of Mark and Luke, Matthew is trying to draw the reader’s attention to Jesus’ authority by focusing on these events. In other words, he wants to say that Jesus’ authority extends beyond the nations and the whole world to the entire created world, and even to the supernatural world. The breadth of the world over which Jesus’ authority extends is being demonstrated.

The man who was possessed by the demonic spirit called Jesus “the Son of God,” which is a very strange thing to say, but it is a very good thing. To believe in Jesus is to recognize Him as the Son of God, that is, as God Himself. To be a disciple of Jesus is to follow the way a human being should be. Let us follow in Jesus’ footsteps with an honest heart and mind. I pray that today will be another good day.


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