
Pastor Makoto’s Bible Reading a Chapter a Day. God’s Word is truth. It is a life-changing word. Today is the last day of the year, and we bring you a special edition of Revelation. Tomorrow, on New Year’s Day, we will start reading from Genesis 1. Please look forward to it.
Today, we will take another look at the entire book of Revelation. First, let’s review chapters 1-3, John’s seven letters to the addressees. All are located on the western coast of Turkey, with the island of Patmos off its coast. John is said to have traveled among these seven churches before he was exiled to the island of Patmos.
The challenges of the seven churches and Christ’s guidelines in chapters 1-3 are deeply connected to the message in chapters 4 and onward. Perhaps few Christians have heard the messages in chapters 1-3, but few have heard the messages in chapters 4 and beyond. The important thing is that they are not separate. They are related.
Let’s also read Revelation in terms of its larger structure: from chapter 6 to chapter 16 is a single chunk. In it, there are the sevens, the trumpets, and the plagues of the bowls. I have told you that the relationship between them is a trailer, the main story, and a reflection chapter. And chapters 17-19, which follow this, is another chunk. In other words, chapters 6-16 speak of encouragement to the church under persecution, and chapters 17-19 speak of warning to the church without persecution, and victory. and the rest is the story of the new heaven and new earth, and the blessings of the new heaven.
What is also important to keep in mind is that the storyline revolves around the cry of the martyrs in heaven in 6:10, “How long will you not judge and take vengeance?” Chapters 8 and 9 use Exodus imagery, with the new exodus soon to occur, and the first answer The first answer is that a new exodus will soon take place. The second answer, using the imagery of the book of Jeremiah, tells us to go ahead with the mission even in that difficult situation. The third response, chapters 12-13, uses the imagery of the book of Daniel, telling us to persevere and do our natural ministry under persecution, just as Daniel did. The fourth response is in chapters 14-15, again using the imagery of the Exodus, promising the victory that awaits us in the Lord. Then, in chapters 17-19, using imagery from the Book of Amos, we are told of the final judgment, and finally, in chapters 20-22, using imagery from Ezekiel, we are told of the ultimate victory, the blessing of a new heaven and a new earth.
In this way, Revelation is a book that weaves together various images from the Old Testament, so if you understand the Old Testament well, you will understand its message well and be very encouraged by it. Tomorrow we will start reading the Old Testament, beginning with Genesis, so please look forward to it.
Last but not least, we live in an age of global warming, ocean and air pollution, depletion of energy resources, nuclear development and the threat of nuclear war, rising nationalism, and expanding ethnic conflicts. In other words, we are facing a crisis of global extinction and the destruction of the human race, even if the Book of Revelation does not speak out loud. This is a book that you should read because the times are in line with the Book of Revelation.
And as I have already mentioned, Revelation begins with comfort and encouragement for those who believe in God and ends with an invitation to God’s blessings for all people, including those who do not believe in God. It is not fear-mongering by any means. And whether the end is coming or not, we are living our lives with a time limit.
And what happens after death, the Bible says, is something that each of us should decide while we are still alive. Some may think that they will think about it when that day comes, but no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, the Bible encourages “the righteous” and “the holy” to keep their walk and choose to walk as “the righteous” and “the holy.
However, if we honestly look into our own hearts, we may find that we are far from the “holy ones” that the Bible speaks of. Whether you have faith or not, there are times when you feel that you are immature as a human being, that you have not progressed at all, and that you are a hypocrite. You may feel that the sound of the bells at the end of the year never seems to purify you. That is certainly true. The forgiveness of sins, sanctification, and new heavenly blessings are due to faith in Jesus’ forgiveness of sins and resurrection on the cross.
Jesus said, “If anyone thirsts, let him come. The happiness of this life and the life to come is a decision to be made now with these words. God’s Word is true. May God bless you. I will see you tomorrow on this channel. Tomorrow, we will finally start reading through the book of Genesis.