人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇37篇 主を待ち望め













Psalm 37: Wait for the Lord

1. Background

This psalm is also an acrostic psalm in Hebrew. So in the New Revised Translation 2017, if you follow the first letters of the words at the beginning of each grouping, grouped by two verses, you will see that these are in alphabetical order. It is an extremely technical poem, but if it is translated into Japanese, it is hard to see the fun in it.

Anyway, based on this poem, Paul Gerhard wrote the chorale, and furthermore, Bach used it in his Matthew Passion. It is a poem that has been emphasized, repeated, and remembered throughout Christian history. Indeed, it was composed by David in his later years (v. 25), and in terms of content, it is a reflection on his own life and an important lesson. Its main idea is clear. Even if the wicked prosper, it will only be for a time, and those who walk in truth will surely inherit the earth.

 Often the reality of society is that we are told that the reign of the wicked is temporary, but rather it seems to last forever. It may seem that there is no point in living a serious life, and that the world is a place where the smartest and most cunning people will succeed. But that is exactly what it is like to be swept away by the wicked, as if “the words of the wicked reach even to the depths of my heart” (36:1). David says. Do not be angry with those who do evil. Do not be jealous of those who do injustice. For they will wilt like grass and wither like green grass” (vv. 1, 2).

2. cultivate integrity.

David continues, “Trust in the Lord, do good, dwell in the land, and nourish your faithfulness” (v. 3). In the New Community Translation, the second half of the verse is translated, “Dwell in the land and feed on your faith. The colloquial translation reads, “Dwell in this land and rest. The Japanese translations do not agree on the second half.   

The Hebrew verb la’ah is translated “to feed,” “to graze,” etc. The noun emunah can mean “faithfulness,” “safety,” “certainty,” etc., so any translation is possible. To dwell in the land would basically mean to stop running from the evil one. Dwell in the land without fear. The problem is the second half. Cultivate sincerity” means to deepen one’s life of faith, not to be swayed by the wicked. There is a theme that continues with the previous 36th Psalm. On the other hand, the New Community Translation, “Feed on faith,” seems to encourage us to be sustained by faith and overcome hardships. The colloquial translation, “rest in peace,” sounds like an exhortation to stay the course and you will be blessed. One wonders which translation better conveys David’s thoughts. The psalm was written in the last days of David’s life, as he recalled the time when he fled from Saul. And now, in his later years of peace, he is trying to pass on a lesson to those who are in distress because they are being pushed around by the wicked one.

David’s words are probably best understood as an exhortation to his readers: “Those who are afflicted, the Lord’s promise is sure, as I have experienced it myself; do not run from it, but wait for the Lord’s time, for it will surely be a blessing.

3. Yield your way to the Lord

Verse 5, “Yield your way to the Lord.” Trust in the Lord. It is the Lord who reveals your righteousness, not you. You must cease to be angry and give up your indignation (v. 8). The rest is repetition. By the Lord one’s steps will be made sure (v. 23). You will stand in this assurance.

You will not be driven by your emotions, even when you are troubled at times. Do not allow yourself to collapse. Rather, wait for the Lord. Stand in the way of God. And do good, looking forward to the outcome of your peace, and trust in the Lord. Let us listen to the wise words of an old man who has been through all of life’s peaks and valleys: “Surely the Lord will save them and set them free. Indeed, in the Lord lies the key to our salvation. Let us be obedient to Him and submit ourselves to His handling. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. Psalm 36 is classified as what psalm? (1) Psalms of Kings, (2) Psalms of Curses, and (3) Psalms of Wisdom. The answer was (3) a Psalm of wisdom. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What kind of psalm is Psalm 37 classified as? (1) Psalm of praise, (2) Psalm of trust, (3) Psalm of wisdom, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today!

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