人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇54篇 空気を変えるのは神












Psalms54: It is God Who Changes the Air

1. background

 The background may be considered a continuation of Psalm 52. This is when the priest Ebjathar fled to David from the massacre of Doeg the Edomite. When David learned that Saul would soon be coming to this city, he left and hid. David’s whereabouts were again lost, and Saul gave up the pursuit of David, but David was betrayed by the people of Keilah, the city of his own people, where he had hidden himself, and was once again put in a tight spot (1 Samuel 23:19). David was wandering in the wilderness of Ziph, trying to escape his pursuers. At that time, Saul was advancing on one side of the mountain, while David and his men were advancing on the other side of the mountain. They were on the other side of the mountain, across the valley, perhaps. David in peril! It was. Then word came to Saul that the Philistines were coming to Israel to accuse him, and he had to give up the pursuit just as he was about to (1 Samuel 23:27). David, who was saved at the critical moment, remembered God’s mercy and composed this song.

2. in isolation.

Verse 3, “strangers,” probably refers to the Ziphites. The “arrogant ones” are none other than Saul. In both cases, they are people who do not fear God. In the midst of such a situation, “O God! Save me in your name. Defend me by your mighty works” (v. 1), David prays. Here David is asking not only for his own safety, but also for his righteousness to be revealed. A human being exposed to hostility will be thoroughly beaten, battered, and ready to be destroyed. There is nothing more vindictive and terrifying than human hostility. Psalm 52 strengthens the hearts that cower before Saul’s hostility, and Psalm 54 is the prayer of a cornered people who, indifferent to the mood of the moment, join their adversaries and are finally put in a tight spot. The people of Ziph stood by Saul’s side, claiming that David was a traitor. But they did not understand what was going on. And they did not even try to understand correctly. People look at other people’s misfortunes, but they don’t think about what is really right or what needs to be done. People may look at a beaten down human being with pity, but they do not want to get involved with him or her, or, on the contrary, they try to push him or her away. Such a heartless reality also exists in human beings.

3. David’s Way of Escape

What did David do in such a freezing situation? He called on “Your name. Psalm 31, which seems to have been written shortly after this, also says, “Guide me and accompany me because of your name. When the circumstances surrounding you, as well as the hostility of others, are growing colder and colder, it is unlikely that someone will appear to change the atmosphere. There is no one who will take the side of a person who is falling down a hill and help him out. In such a situation, David remembers God’s powerful work, God’s truth, and calls on God’s name.

It may seem that God is invisible to the eye and that such things cannot be counted on. But one is allowed to call on the name of God, who does what is right. We are allowed to give voice to God, who responds when we call upon Him.

David was given a brief respite because the Philistine invasion caused Saul to turn back. It was not a radical solution, but it was still God’s help. I am not sure why God would put off a radical solution. David, looking at Saul’s retreating army, says, “For God has delivered me from all my affliction, and my eyes have looked upon my enemies with equanimity” (v. 7). (v. 7). Even if only temporarily, David remembers that God is indeed with him, and he senses that there is a future ahead.

It is God Himself who holds the key to every situation, not a superior enemy or a self that has regained momentum. Let us walk in expectation of God who does what is right. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner>

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. In the early church, there was a custom of praying for the sick by anointing them with oil. What kind of oil was it? (1) Olive oil, (2) Rape seed oil, (1) Nardo’s perfumed oil, the answer was (1) olive oil. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Where were the copper mines located where copper was mined and later became Herod the Great’s most important source of revenue? (1) Cyprus, (2) Timna, (3) Etzion Gebel, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.