【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】使徒の働き4章 ペテロの弁明










Acts 4: Peter’s Defense

1. trial of Peter and John (4:1-22)

Peter and John, who had done amazing works in the name of Jesus, were arrested. They are brought before the assembly of the 70 members of the Sanhedrin, which is composed of the leaders of the people, elders, scholars, and others. This assembly is the body that had condemned Jesus Christ to death a few months earlier. The Sanhedrin was charged with investigating new teachers and teachings that were emerging in Jewish society in order to protect the Jewish faith. So Peter and John were also caught and interrogated as dangerous individuals who were carrying on the teachings of Jesus (v. 7).

Peter’s response is quite frank. First, in verse 8, he confesses that it was a miracle in Jesus’ name that a man born lame was healed. Then, in verse 11, Peter quotes Psalm 118:22 and expresses his faith that Jesus is God. Finally, in verse 12, he declares that Jesus was the Savior.

Once, when Jesus was arrested, Peter had completely denied any relationship with Jesus, but now he unhesitatingly confesses his faith in Jesus. There was a Peter who had turned back to God. What on earth had happened to Peter in that wind of cowardice? Congress is puzzled by these two disciples who boldly defend themselves. They are ordinary, uneducated men who cleverly quote the Old Testament in defense of their faith in Jesus. And there was the unmovable evidence of a healed man. Thus, the people were forced to admit that Jesus, whom they had supposedly buried on the cross, had risen and was with them invisibly.

They would have liked to bury Peter and John as well as Jesus, but it was difficult. At that time, there were 6,000 religious zealots in the Jewish community, but there were already 5,000 believers in Jesus, a force that could not be crushed by force. The people of Jerusalem were watching them with great interest.

2. the disciples’ prayer

Peter and John are released and return to the disciples. After hearing their testimony, the disciples pray in verse 29 that they, too, may speak the Word with the same boldness. Let us look at some characteristics of their prayer. It is different from the beneficent prayers offered at shrines and temples. It is something that believers in Christ should pray and imitate.

First, they call on the name of God, verse 24. He is the Maker of heaven and earth and all things, and the One who has accomplished His plan of salvation through the cross of Jesus, verse 28, spoken of beforehand by the prophets. This is not a call to a vague person. The subject is clear. And secondly, in verse 29, they asked Him. But the content is not a favor. They ask Him to allow them to continue to testify of Jesus without fear, even in the midst of threats. They do not just pray to be protected. They pray for God’s name to be exalted. Then, in verse 31, God blessed their prayer. The place where they were gathered trembled and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray the Lord’s Prayer, the prayer for the coming of the Kingdom. It is not a prayer for academic success, business prosperity, or family safety. It is a prayer for God’s plan for mankind, for mankind to repent of their sins, to be reconciled to Jesus, and to be made one with Him. I pray with the disciples that God will bring about a new order in this world filled with strife, a new order in which all will be reconciled to Him. I pray that you will have a good day today.