【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】使徒の働き6章 教会の実際的課題










Acts 6: Practical Issues for the Church

1. Solving the Problem of Rationing (6:1-6)

The first problem that arose in the activities of the early church was “hypocrisy. The next problem that arose was the problem of “discrimination” in verse 1. Some may be disappointed and think that the church is no different from the world. However, what makes the church different from the world is that the church follows God’s will and builds better relationships in such situations. It is common for people to distance themselves or criticize and leave when they see aspects of the church that they don’t like. I have had such disappointments in the churches I have pastored. But what the Bible teaches us is that it is in these times that we should all pray together and follow Jesus’ teaching of love and desire to deepen relationships and perfect the church.

So let us see how they overcame this problem. The first problem was the clash between the naturalized Greek-speaking Jews (Hellenists) and the Aramaic-speaking Jews (Hebrews) who had grown up in Palestine. They said there was an unfair response to the daily rations. But, verse 2, the issue was more complicated. There was also the problem of the Twelve Apostles who were too busy and attentive to act unfairly.

As the work of the Church becomes more diverse and larger, spiritual involvement and care must be valued even more. The more the church grows, the more important it becomes to give time to pastors who are dedicated to this, and to select and entrust the practical matters to workers who can do them well, so that the church can optimize its performance.

In this way, the early church did not let the conflict end in disappointment, but used it as an opportunity to strengthen the essential functions of the church and further improve the efficiency of its work and move forward. There is nothing better than a church with wisdom and unity that seeks to perfect the church.

 2. The Appearance of Stephen

2. The Appearance of Stephen (6:7-15)

Beginning in verse 8, the focus shifts to Stephen, one of the previously chosen stewards. Stephen was initially chosen as a respected steward, but he was also often used as a missionary. Luke introduces Stephen as a man “full of grace and power. He was truly a disciple of Jesus, and the Holy Spirit worked well with him.

However, the presence of the Holy Spirit does not mean that everything goes well. There were also hostile actions against Stephen. The word “bondman” in verse 9 means “set free. It refers to the Jews who were captured by the Roman emperor Pompeius in 63 B.C. and forced to emigrate to Rome, but who were later freed. After their liberation, they built their own synagogue in Jerusalem and called it Liberated. The Apostle Paul, who appears later in the book, seems to have had something to do with them. In fact, Paul was from Tarsus, or Cilicia, and is thought to have been one of the Crenæ, Alexandrians, and people from Cilicia and Asia who argued with Stephen here. In any case, they opposed Stephano and challenged him to an argument. When they realized that they could not win the argument, they tried to eliminate Stephen by force.

While it is wonderful to taste and live the Word of God, we are sometimes faced with the difficulty of speaking the Word of God. This is because the gospel changes our actual lives, as verse 15 says, “It changes the customs that Moses handed down to us. For some, this may be a threat. But the magnitude of the grace the Gospel brings makes it worth the sacrifice of a life well lived. For though invisible to the eye, the true and living God is a God of blessings, and He is good to those who accept Him.