【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】使徒の働き8章 ユダヤとサマリアへ











Acts 8 To Judea and Samaria

1. The Appearance of Saul (8:1-4)

With the martyrdom of Stephen, the Gospel spread from Jerusalem to Samaria in the north and to Judea in the south. In this chapter 8, Saul the persecutor appears. He is an important leader of the Christian church, who will be discussed in more detail in chapter 9, and who will be a major driving force in the Christian world from chapter 13 onward. In chapter 9, he is portrayed as a brutal man who “breathes terror and murder” against Christians.

But this is only the Christian’s view. According to the Old Testament law, “whoever hangs on a tree is cursed by God” (Deut. 21:23), so for Paul the crucified Jesus could not be the Savior. And a group of followers of such a man was lawless and dangerous.

Saul’s violent treatment destroyed the church in Jerusalem and drove away Christians. It was clearly a time of trial for the church. Yet, unintentionally, it would become a force for realizing the vision that Jesus had pointed to beyond Saul’s intentions. In this way, Christianity grew from a local national religion to a world religion.

2. The Conversion of Simon the Sorcerer (8:5-25)

Verses 5 and following record several episodes in the progress of Christian missionary work among those who were thus scattered. One is the episode in which the gospel was preached to the people of Samaria and the baptism of the Holy Spirit was given to those who believed there.

From this episode, the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is sometimes emphasized, distinguishing between the baptism of water and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, the biblical interpretation should still be understood in the light of the historical background. In those days, there was a time gap in the transmission of information. Today, it is generally understood that when one receives water baptism, one also receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the same time. However, at that time there was also the fact of the information gap, which was not known. Therefore, this passage should be read as a retrospective explanation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and that the ceremony of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit again with faith was sometimes acceptable.

Now there was Simon the sorcerer who took note of the blessing of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He not only wanted to receive it, but also to be a giver. He may also have been a man of discipline. He would pay what he had to pay and bargain with the apostle to buy the right to do so. But the Holy Spirit is given by the grace of God, and the authority to give the Holy Spirit was also given by the grace of God.

What is important is a heart that is afraid of His grace.

3 The Salvation of the Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-40)

Next, the salvation of the Ethiopian eunuch is described. A eunuch is a castrated male official in the service of the court. The work of the eunuch varied, but the eunuch here was in charge of the entire estate of Kandake, the queen of Ethiopia. Ethiopia was then the equivalent of today’s Sudan, and the eunuch traveled from there to Jerusalem to worship. God does not overlook the zeal of such a person and sends Philip. The scripture the eunuch was reading was verses 7 and 8 of Isaiah 53 of the Old Testament. These are the so-called Messianic prophecies, which prophesy the cross of Jesus Christ. Philip explained the passage. The eunuch was relieved to learn that the Messiah was coming, that is, that all people would be saved in Jesus, not only those of different ethnic backgrounds, but also the sorcerer and the castrated. Needless to say, relief came to the eunuch’s heart. God saves all who seek Him. I pray that today will be another good day.