【シーズン6】使徒の働き19章 エペソでの伝道【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

1.聖霊を受ける(19: -7)









Acts 19: Evangelism in Ephesus

1. Receiving the Holy Spirit (19:-7)

The main destination of the third missionary journey was Ephesus. Paul went to Ephesus. Luke says that Paul came to Ephesus through the back country. Three specific routes are considered, but it is not clear which route he took.

Paul finally arrived in Ephesus, the mission field he had longed for. Ephesus was then an important colonial city in Asia Minor, called the “Light of Asia. It was a major transportation hub and prospered as the capital of the Roman province of Asia and was the economic, cultural, and religious center of the region. The population at that time was about 250,000, and many Jews immigrated to the city, which also had a synagogue. Today there are only a few old ruins of the city, which is located 2 km southwest of Ayasök station, a cold village on the western edge of Turkish territory.

Christianity had already been introduced to Ephesus, and there were believers there. However, they only knew about John’s baptism and not about receiving the Holy Spirit. From this, we are often told that it is necessary to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit from heaven after believing. However, I do not think that is what they are talking about. The Bible must be understood in its historical context.

Today we can read the whole Bible, so we can understand the whole system of Christian faith beforehand. And based on the principle that the Holy Spirit works with the Word (Acts 11:17), we are taught that when we are baptized, we also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. At that time, however, the New Testament was not complete and there was a lack of information, so many people came to faith with an incomplete understanding of the faith. In those days, however, the New Testament was not complete and there was a lack of information, so many people entered the faith with an incomplete understanding of the faith. This is an event that occurred due to historical circumstances.

 2. Paul’s mission (19:8-22)

Paul stayed in Ephesus for about two and a half years. For the first three months he evangelized in the synagogue until he was interrupted by the Jews. He then moved to a lecture hall owned by the rhetorician Tyrano, where he preached for two years. Paul worked from dawn until the fifth hour, or 11:00 a.m., and preached the gospel during the free time of the auditorium, when everyone was resting, from the fifth hour until the tenth hour, or 4:00 p.m. Through such energetic activities, the word of the Lord spread from Ephesus throughout the province of Asia. But this is not all that happened to Paul. For example, Paul was involved in the problems of the church in Corinth and wrote three letters from there. The content of these letters required a great deal of time and effort. In addition, it is believed that Paul was imprisoned during this time and fought against the beast (1 Corinthians 15:32). It seems that Paul had a difficult time with his second job, missionary work, caring for the Corinthian church, and his imprisonment. But it is true that labor in the Lord is not in vain, v. 17, and Paul’s ministry brought many to faith.

3. The uproar over Artemis (19:23-40)

In verse 23 we read that “there was a great tumult. The temple of Artemis, known as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was located in Ephesus, and the annual festival held in the month of Artemis (March-April on the solar calendar) attracted many worshipers and brought enormous profit to the city. The silversmiths who made and sold the models of the Temple of Artemis had a very good time making money, and the results of Paul’s missionary work had a great impact on the tourist industry. Those who had come to know the invisible and true God no longer looked at idols. It was an upheaval that had to happen. But things are moving in the right direction. People began to distinguish between the real thing and the false thing in which to believe. If we have faith, let us have true faith!