Acts 11: The Birth of the Church of Antioch
1. The Reaction of the Jerusalem Church to the Salvation of the Gentiles (11:1-18)
The news of the conversion and baptism of the Gentiles reached the church in Jerusalem. It is joyful news! However, some in the Jerusalem church were uncomfortable with it. v. 2 “Those who are circumcised”. Luke probably meant the conservative Jewish Christians. They complained about Peter eating with Cornelius, a Gentile. The cultural barrier between Jews and Gentiles was so great at that time. And there were Christians who could not cross it.
So Peter skillfully tells the church members what happened at Cornelius’ house. The Holy Spirit who came at Pentecost came to the Gentiles in the same way. Example is better than precept. Then the brothers and sisters who heard the story rejoice and are united in Christ, saying in verse 18, “He has given repentance to the Gentiles, which leads to life. Wonderful! The church is a place where we recognize the work of God and unite with Him. It is not a place where people are united by the words of someone who is an important figure in the church.
This confirms that the forgiveness of sins in Christ, God’s salvation, as it were, is not only for the Jews but for all, including the Gentiles. The apostle Paul later called this the “inner meaning” (Ephesians 3:6). It is something important, something that was hidden in the past but has now been revealed. The kingdom of God that Jesus spoke of transcends cultural, ethnic, and geographic boundaries on earth. All share in the promise of God’s blessing.
Today we all recognize the importance of world peace. In reality, however, Russia, Israel and various other nations have not been able to overcome the quagmire of conflict. This is due to the problem of sin, the tendency of the human heart to fight. If Christian missions are to contribute to world peace, it will be by addressing the fundamental problem of war, the cheap nature of conflict in the human heart. The first step in creating world peace is for each of us to be reconciled to the cross of Jesus, receive forgiveness of sins, and walk in a transformed way.
2. The Birth and Work of the Church of Antioch (11:19-30)
Now, in verse 19, those who were scattered by the persecution of Stephen preached the gospel in the land where they were scattered, many people came to believe in Jesus, and a new church was born in Antioch. At that time, Antioch was the capital of the province of Syria and the third largest city in the world after Rome and Alexandria. The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to help this new church grow. Barnabas went to Tarsus to accomplish this goal and brought Saul with him. Finally, it is important to know what kind of people are responsible for the work of the church. Barnabas is described as “a man full of the Holy Spirit and faith. The same must have been true of Saul. Those who are full of the Holy Spirit and faith in Jesus, or rather those who seek them, should be the center of the church. Only then will those who gather in the church be called Christians.
From verse 27 on, the famines that occurred throughout the world are discussed, as well as the relief efforts of those who were called Christians. It is interesting to note that the Gentile Christians in Antioch helped the Christians living in Judea. The Gentiles, who had always been oppressed, accepted and helped the Jews as fellow citizens, which is the fruit of Christ’s love on the cross. In this way, the power to create world peace can be found. I pray that you have a good day today.