人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記10章 かまわないで










Job 10: Job’s Answer to Bildade’s First Argument (continued)

The Book of Job is a frank discussion of questions about life from all angles. It is an opportunity for us to rethink matters that we may subconsciously push aside.

1. are you like man, O God (10:1-12)

 As we saw earlier in chapter 9, Job, complaining of the lack of a mediator, begins to appeal directly to God. He appeals to God, the great Sovereign God, and does not care if he offends Him and makes things worse. In fact, there is nothing left to do, so he says, “Let’s just get it all out of the way (v. 1). God, don’t look at me with judgmental eyes (v. 2). Do not look at me with the same eyes as human beings (v. 4). Man is miraculously created by God. In other words, man was fertilized in his mother’s womb, and from a milk-like state, he became hardened like cheese, with skin, flesh, bones, and sinews, and took shape. It is supposed to be God’s masterpiece (vv. 9-11), so why does God mistreat it? People are prone to errors in judgment and are capricious, but is God the same (vv. 4, 5)? Indeed, what sense does it make to keep an eye on someone like me? It is not as if God’s omnipotence is violated. God can always do whatever He likes. No one could resist such a God, and yet he says.

2. god, leave me alone (10:13-22)

 In the first place, God wanted to destroy man from the beginning (v. 13). God, like an insidious jailer, looks out for even the smallest sin and does not overlook it. If you try to assert your righteousness, God will only make you a sinner without mercy (v. 16). In fact, one after another, he will take out his wrath on you by bearing new witnesses (v. 17). If God stares at you, that’s the end of it. You are no match for God. We have no choice but to endure before an unreasonable God. If we listen to Job’s complaint, even though it is a good thing that God created mankind with His divine power, it is hard to bear with God’s humanistic play with mankind, in which retribution is applied by rule. If God is like human beings while seeking salvation from them, then there is no salvation in a religion that believes in such a God. 

 Finally, Job says that if human life is like that, it would have been better to have never had such a life in the first place (v. 19). The time of death approaches relentlessly. And once a man is condemned to sin, there is no salvation. Job appeals. Don’t bother me, O God (v. 20). Rather, he would rather be relieved for a few days before he dies (v. 20). The New Community Translation has “let me get back on my feet” for “I want to behave cheerfully, even if only a little.” He wants to find meaning in his life before he goes to the place of no return again, before the time comes when everything will be disordered, dark, and swallowed up.

 Human life is full of mystery and cannot exist without God’s protection. While God is so carefully involved in the creation of human beings, God monitors human sin and is merciless and punitive. How is this possible? Are human beings God’s playthings? It is not so. That is what Job, who was so negatively depressed, thinks, and later it is revealed to him that this is not really the case. There are times in life when everything seems only negative. You want to understand the situation of your soul objectively. When everything seems negative, that is the time to pray deeply to God. It is a time to speak from the heart to God. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Rahab, the sea monster, is often used in the Bible as a symbolic representation of what? The answer is 1) Egypt, 2) Babylon, 3) Assyria, and the answer is 1) Egypt (Psalm 87:4, Isaiah 30:7). How did God evaluate what Eliphaz and the other three friends said about Him? (1) True. (2) Not true. (3) Neither. I will give you the answer tomorrow, and I wish you a good day today.