人生💯倍の回復😊【聖書】ヨブ記21章 ツォファルの二回目の弁論に対するヨブの答え










Job 21: Job’s Answer to Zophar’s Second Argument

After Job’s argument in chapter 19, in which he suggested a groundbreaking truth, Zophar also shows no response and continues to press his pet theory. Job then proceeds to offer a full-scale rebuttal, not a self-defense (vv. 2-3).

1. the reality is different (21:1-26) 

Job first asks us to listen carefully to what he says (v. 1). He says that there are plenty of times when things do not go according to principle, even though he spoke of principle. He asks us to look at the reality of what is happening. Things are happening that cannot be explained by principles. You say that the glory of the wicked is temporary, and that the wicked will surely perish (v. 7), but is this true? In reality, they are wicked, yet their offspring will prosper, their wealth will abound, they will live out their lives singing merrily (v. 12), and they will live a long life (v. 13). Is there such a thing? Furthermore, don’t they say. God? What about it? Is there such a thing as a God of righteousness, a God of love? I don’t even want to know (v. 14). The Almighty? Sovereign? What can he do for me? I can get by on my own without him. I don’t need to pray (v. 15). Yet God does not even condemn them. He says they are on a slippery slope, but even if they slip, they will come back to life. As the Bible tells us, they should be destroyed in God’s wrath, but they are not (v. 20).

 I have said something drastic. I am trying to hang life lessons on God. If it is in such pride, it must be judged by God (v. 22). But let me tell you. There is no such thing as human beings, the good ones getting their due and the bad ones getting the judgment they deserve. What actually happens is that some people suddenly take their lives when they are in the prime of life, and others die in utter peace and tranquility (v. 23). Some live happily (v. 24), others do not (v. 25). Both of them, together, rot, become clods, and die, that’s all (v. 26).

2. you still continue your baseless arguments (21:27-34)

 According to your argument, does it not mean that I was a “noble wicked one” (v. 28)? But look at the reality (v. 29). The wicked have managed to escape misfortune and survive (v. 31). They are buried in their very graves, and no one desecrates them (v. 32). At the funeral, there will be a long line of people, and people will watch after them and before them. This is reality. You say, “That’s me. Don’t be lax about it at all,” he says.

We believe that “God is just and will punish the wicked.” But there are times when that faith is denied. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. God never corrects the inequality in society, and we sometimes feel as if our hearts are rotting away in the face of such reality. But the pitfall lies in thinking that this is reality. We make the mistake of associating the significance of believing in God with benefits in our lives. It is no different from the mindset of the wicked in verse 15: “What is the Almighty? What is it that we must serve? What good can come of it? Even though we have prayed to him and asked for it”. In the end, there is a reality on the part of human beings who believe in God because they want to look good. Unless we realize this and get out of it, our faith will not be genuine. If prosperity and blessings were the proof of faith, our God would be such a degree. But our God is the One who chose poverty and came down to the world and showed His love by giving His life. Our very way of thinking must be corrected. In a world where there are 50,000 things that are not according to principle, things that seem to rot, we need to have a way of thinking and faith that is not swayed by these things. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who entertained the three travelers, who were supposed to be God’s messengers, with curds, milk, cooked calves, and pastries? (1) Abraham, (2) Isaac, and (3) Job. The answer is (1) Abraham. Which of the following geological formations make up the unique landscape of Israel’s central mountains and other rugged landscapes? (1) basalt, (2) limestone, (3) gneiss.