【シーズン6】創世記10章 系図【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 10 Genealogy

  1. Shem, Ham, and Japheth 
    The genealogy of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, sons of Noah, is recorded. If you are not familiar with the place names of ancient Israel, this section may appear to be nothing more than a list of puny katakana names.
    First of all, Japheth had seven children. His grandchildren were also seven. And the number of people counted is 70. Isn’t this well done? It is a deliberate way of writing. In other words, while this genealogy seems to record the genealogy of the entire human race, it is, in fact, a rough genealogy. And although we don’t know exactly how they chose the peoples to record, they are trying to say that all mankind are connected to one person, Noah.
    The Japhethites were a people dispersed in the north. The countries by the sea are the areas around the Mediterranean Sea and the Caspian Sea, and the peoples there are generally classified as Indo-European. Gomel and Magog are the Scythians from the northern Black Sea region, Madai are the Medians from the east of Assyria, Meshek are the people from the southwestern Black Sea coast, Ashkenaz are the people who drifted to the German region, Tarshish are the people from the Greek colonies in southern Spain, and Dodanim are from the northern Greece. In other words, the descendants who split from Noah are distributed in countries from the Black Sea coast to the Mediterranean Sea, and they all should be called brothers rather than foreigners.
    Second, Ham was a people dispersed to the south. Kush refers to Ethiopia, south of Egypt. The descendants of Cush spread to the Red Sea coastal region. Nimrod seems to have been a celebrity of note, but I am not sure of the intent for which it is noted. However, I think that the intention here is to show that in the history of mankind, which is disappearing like a bubble, there was a man who is remembered for his remarkable nation-building, which cannot be considered a human work, and to say that it also happened in the will of God. He is saying that it is God, not man, who makes history. Certainly, there are many great historical figures. However, no matter how powerful or influential they may have been, they will all be forgotten as time goes by. All men prosper and fall, given the opportunity and time by God.
    Mitzrayim is in Egypt, Babel is in southern Mesopotamia, and Erech is a town about 200 km southeast of Babylon. Akkad is Akkad, a town in northern Babylon. Sinuar is northwest of Babylonia. Ashur is Assyria. The descendants of Canaan, son of Ham, are noted separately. These are the peoples who became enemies of Israel. However, if we trace their original roots, they are not enemies but fellow citizens.
    Finally, the descendants of Shem. Elam is east of Babylon, verse 26, and the various peoples named as descendants of Joktan are of Arabic descent.
    Verse 32 concludes. These are the various clans of the descendants of Noah, by their respective families, by nation. After the Flood, from them all the nations were divided into groups on the earth. The author is trying to say that, although today the human race is divided into various ethnic groups, they were all originally created by God, and they were all blessed by God to increase and spread. This is the same thing that Paul preached in the Areopagus. Paul said. God created all peoples out of one man, and made them to dwell in all the face of the earth, and appointed unto each one a definite age and a boundary of habitation” (Acts 17:26).
    That is the story after the Noahic Flood. The problem is that the scattered peoples have become incomprehensible to each other. The reason for this will be discussed tomorrow in chapter 11. And here, in fact, is the important plan of God. In other words, the vision of a nation that has become incomprehensible because of sin, but will be reunited through God’s mercy, will be spoken of repeatedly from this point onward. As Paul puts it, “For this is what makes us seek God.” (Acts 17:27) Ultimately, the clear vision, as clearly revealed by the Apostle John in Revelation 7:9, is that God’s plan of salvation is that the peoples who were originally one will come to understand each other again and live together in peace.
    This is also the purpose of the Christian mission. The purpose of missionary work is not to expand the power of Christianity and to paint the world in Christian colors. It is to bring a solution to the problems of mankind, which have become incomprehensible, through the love of the cross of Christ. Japanese writer Kenji Miyazawa wrote, “If there is a sick child in the east, go and take care of him; if there is a tired mother in the west, go and bear the sheaf of rice; if there is a dying person in the south, tell him not to be afraid; if there is a quarrel or lawsuit in the north, tell him to stop because it is boring”; in other words, to help humankind to resolve their problems at home, in the workplace, and in society, to be a force to repair the brokenness and twists of people, to accept and love each other, and to restore peace. Only then will the Christian church become an indispensable part of the community, loved as the light of the world and the salt of the earth. The Word of God is true. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.