【シーズン6】創世記9章 神の契約(洪水の終わり)【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

  1. 再出発に向けた神のことば(9:1-7) 
    Genesis 9: God’s Covenant (End of the Flood)
  2. the Word of God for a fresh start (9:1-7) 
    God blessed Noah and his sons. His words of blessing are the same as at the beginning of creation. Be fruitful and multiply. God’s words are the same as at the beginning of creation: “Be fruitful and multiply. Only God here clarifies the relationship between Himself, man, and the rest of creation. God does not say, “Rule. He does not say, “Rule over them” (1:28), but “has given them over to you” (9:2). He also says, “You shall have dominion over them” (9:2). Since human life and blood are the same thing, and life is God’s gift, if a man, shedding the blood of another, takes his life, he is violating God’s possession (vv. 5, 6). Put another way, God says that He entrusts His creation to man, making him aware of certain limitations therein. The phrase “rule over” can often be misleading and prideful. God, in his new departure for mankind, tells man to remember that he is not in control but in charge, to manage properly, and to take responsibility as a good steward. Creation does not belong to man, but to God, and is entrusted to him. Therefore, if we do not use what has been entrusted to us properly, God will hold us accountable for violating His ownership.
  3. the covenant of God (9:8-17)
    God then makes a covenant with Noah and his sons. God then makes a covenant with Noah and his sons that He will never again destroy the earth by a great flood. This covenant is not made with Noah as the representative, but with Noah and his sons as co-signatories. Moreover, it was a covenant made to all mankind and even to all creation, as it says, “with your descendants after you” (vv. 9, 10). More importantly, God did not make it a bilateral covenant, but a unilateral covenant as a statement of His own determination. It is a promise that God would strive for the fulfillment of the contents of His covenant, even though He is higher than man. And He guaranteed it with the sign of the rainbow. What is remarkable is what this rainbow sign means. God is not asking people to remember His promise every time they see a rainbow. It is a sign that God Himself has set up to remind us of our duty. In other words, every time we see a rainbow, we understand that God also sees it to remind us of our own unilateral commitment and to continue our efforts. Rainbows are also witnessed in the new heaven and new earth that will come after the end of time (Ezekiel 1:28; Revelation 4:3, v. 12). This means that God remembers this covenant forever.
    However, although God is determined never to destroy mankind again, we need to consider the reality that mankind is inclined to evil. God unconditionally affirms what He has created, yet it becomes pervasive and destructive of sin. The cross of Jesus is the measure God took to overcome this contradiction. Thus, the judgment in Noah’s flood and God’s final judgment in Revelation are contrasted, and salvation through the cross of Jesus is spoken of throughout the Bible as God’s wisdom to harmonize the two.
  4. blunder of Noah, blunder of Ham (9:18-29)
    Now, the second half of the story describes Noah’s blunder. Noah is told here that he began to cultivate vineyards. As agricultural culture developed, mankind also acquired brewing technology, and with that, the problem of drinking arose. The author’s concern, however, is not about Noah’s drinking, but about his family’s attitude toward Noah’s blunder.
    In verse 22, “When Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked, he told his two brothers who were outside.” The word translated “saw” is “saw. The word translated “saw” means to gaze, to stare at, rather than to gaze at by accident, implying that the sight would cause evil thoughts to be stirred up. Also, “tell” means more than just informing. In other words, the issue is not about covering up the family’s blunder, but about Ham’s attempt to cause a commotion out of the blunder. Normally, a person would do as Shem and Japheth did and cover up their father’s shame and not make a big deal out of it. However, like Ham, we have the weakness to take pleasure in other people’s blunders and add shame to them. It is important to understand that we have such weaknesses as well.
    The author’s addition of this small episode was probably intended to imply that, in the end, small things that happen in the family are related to larger issues on a social scale. After all, the richness of the church is also related to how individuals are. Perhaps those who, personally, are not doing what is natural for human beings to do, not only in their families, but also in their workplaces and churches. What God expects of us as we repent and begin to walk as His children in Christ is that we stand as His vessels of restoration and grace. We are to be Shem and Japheth, not Ham. Man has been entrusted to God’s creation and commanded to manage things rightly with God’s love. We should cherish our new walk of life in Christ. God’s Word is true. God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.