【シーズン6】創世記6章 ノアの箱舟、神の介入(刷新)【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 6: Noah’s Ark, Divine Intervention (Renewal)

  1. man being man (6:1-4)
     Chapter 6 begins with an omission. In other words, the author begins his narrative from the state of human increase and expansion. Then, in verse 2, we are told a short mythological episode in which the sons of God began to beget beautiful daughters of men. There are various theories about “the sons of God” and “the daughters of men,” including the theory that “the sons of God” are “angels” and the theory that “the sons of Set” as opposed to the sons of Cain. The key to understanding this, and the point of the image, would be that God limited the age of man to 120 years. In other words, God said “No” for the situation in which man, in union with the sons of God, was becoming a kind of superhuman race of human beings. This is similar to the story of Babel (chapter 11), in which God later put a stop to the human race’s pursuit of the same superhumanity through technological capabilities. In the end, this is another episode that tells us what it is like to be human.
  2. the righteous man Noah (6:8-22)
    Now, human beings are essentially beings who do not recognize God, turn their backs on Him, and have a propensity toward depravity. As a result, “the evil of man increases on the earth, and all that he does in his heart will always lean toward evil,” and God will be forced to consider punishment, not merely a halt. Thus, from verse 5, the flood story begins.
    This flood story has been the subject of much research on ancient Orient literature, and among the many flood traditions, a comparison with the contents of the 11th clay tablet of the “Epic of Gilgamesh” has become a hot topic of discussion. The Epic of Gilgamesh is written in a polytheistic context, so the god who decides on extinction is not the same as the god who orchestrates the protection of humanity. But in the Bible, there is only one God, so God can plan for pain and protection while planning for the extinction of humanity. And He has his eye on Noah, the lone gleaming presence among the ungodly.
    According to Jewish tradition, Noah’s grandfather Methuselah was a devoted follower of the ways of God, following the life of his father Enoch. Noah may have grown up under the influence of this grandfather. Of course, faith is not a matter of personal or family history. But as the New Testament book of Hebrews tells us, “By faith Noah received the message of things not yet seen” (Hebrews 11:7), Noah was also a man who walked so closely with God that he could tell Him his secrets. And Noah’s righteousness stood out in his faithfulness to God’s word and in building the ark.
  3. duplication of articles, interpretation
    The size of the ark, by the way, is not well known. The New Revised Version uses the Latin-based “cubit,” while the Association’s Joint Translation uses the transliteration of the Hebrew word “amma,” which was the unit of measure at the time. Using the unit of measurement used in those days, one cubit is about 45 centimeters, it is 135 meters long, 23 meters wide, and 13 meters high. According to scholar J.C. Whitcomb, the ship had a volume of about 40,000 cubits and could hold 522 railroad wagons. There is some debate as to whether it was actually possible to build something like this, but it seems to be understood that it was not impossible.
    At any rate, building an ark of this scale is not something that could be done on a hobbyist’s scale. That is what Noah was trying to say. Noah obeyed the Word of God with his whole heart and soul, his whole life. He spent decades silently building a great ark on earth that looked strange to the world. The point of his righteousness was not so much his apparent piety, but rather his obedience to the Word of God.
    F. A. Schaeffer points out that Noah may have preached to the people to turn to God while building the ark (2 Peter 2:5). We can only speculate, but Noah was truly one who was at one with God and lived on God’s side.
    What this story tells us is really quite simple. What is the most important thing for a believer? Christians are often seen as pious people who can do no wrong. But the piety of Christians is that every Sunday, when people are trying to spend time for themselves, they dare to gather in church, offer worship to the Lord, and build up the church. Herein is salvation, and here is the united effort to build up the church with Christ as its head.
    It is often a strange sight to the human eye, like Noah’s family building an ark. To continue to do so faithfully for years and decades, is a testimony of faithfulness, faith, and piety to God. To Noah, who has obeyed God’s word, the Lord says, “I will make a covenant with you” (v. 18). God made a covenant with Noah to save him and his family. We should say that there is a reward for a life of obedience to God. God’s Word is true. God’s word is also speaking to people today. God will reward those who acknowledge Him, trust Him, and walk according to His Word. God’s Word is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.