【シーズン6】創世記8章 神の介入(大洪水)【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 8: Divine Intervention (The Flood)

  1. the rain ceases (8:1-6)
    By faith, Noah accepted God’s warning and built the ark. Here Noah, again by faith, expects that God, who has sent down heavy rain for 40 days and 40 nights, will now let him tread on dry land again. The year spent rocking the ark must have felt long. We were trapped in a confined space, not knowing where we were or what would happen to us. We do not know when we will hit the rock face of a high mountain and break into a wreck. They must have wondered how long they would be safe.
    The Bible says, “God remembered Noah. God “remembered” Noah (v. 1). (v. 1), a word that testifies to God’s faithfulness. God was with Noah and with him in the ark. When we are waiting for something, we may feel that we are being waited on by God. But so does God. With us, God is waiting for just the right moment to settle things.
    By the way, the exact date of the Flood is not known. But archaeological discoveries and extra-biblical flood traditions make it a definite historical fact. The ark stopped on Mount Ararate. There are various theories as to where it was, but it is generally believed to be the 5,165-meter-high Mount Massis, located in Armenia between the present-day Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The literal translation, however, is “mountains of Ararate. That is, it means the Ararate Mountains, not a specific mountain. It is also not known whether the reading in Genesis is consistent with that geographical designation. However, it was an appropriate place for the new dispersal of humans to Africa, Asia, and Europe.
  2. leaving the ark (8:6-22)
    When the rain stopped, Noah released the first raven. This was a common method used by ancient sailors to determine the location of land and the direction of travel. Noah released the dove three more times. The second time the dove added young olive leaves, and the third time it did not return. The earth had dried up. Thus Noah, though he saw it with his own eyes and was convinced that the earth was dry (v. 13), did not immediately go out. Noah waited for God’s new command. Then, on the twenty-seventh day of the second month, he descended from the ark in response to God’s word. It is impressive to see Noah knowing that his decision was certain, but still proceeding with things under the confirmation of God’s will. Perhaps it was in this attitude of Noah’s that God chose him. God is the one who is interested in our lives and even tells us when to act. To trust and follow God in this way is also to acknowledge and honor God.
    When Noah went out, the first thing he did was to build an altar and offer a burnt offering. Verse 21 says, “The Lord smelled its fragrant aroma. In Leviticus, we are told that the whole burnt offering “is food to the Lord. The ancient Gentile concept was to offer food to God through offerings to show reverence to God. In the Bible, however, food to the Lord has no such meaning. Rather, God accepted our gratitude, faithfulness, trust, and love for Him in the offering of food. It is just like God’s acceptance of Abel and Cain’s offering when He saw the attitude of Abel’s heart.
    Furthermore, note that God, while accepting Noah’s offering, acknowledges human weakness as it is, saying, “The thoughts of man’s heart are evil from the time he is a child. While saving only the righteous man Noah and his family, He understands that in essence there can be no righteousness in man. The important thing to remember is that even though we may have the Christian faith and say “saved” in the past tense, our nature is still that of a sinner. We must remember that we are before God as sinners. We must always have a heart of reverence. But God accepts human beings with such a heart inclined to evil. And we must note that He has entrusted the whole creation to His care. We must know the depth of God’s love.
    God makes a covenant with Noah as evidence of that love. It is not a covenant of equality, but a unilateral covenant of God’s own resolve to “not again bring cursing upon the earth because of man. God does not change his attitude toward us based on how we are. He accepts us with love and celebrates us at all times. God’s word is truth. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.