Genesis 12 The promise to Abram
- called Abram (12:1-9)
The story of Abram, the man who started the nation of Israel, begins. Historically, when was he a person (Acts 7:2)? According to scholars, it is believed to have been around 1900 B.C., during the reign of King Ur Nammu of the Ur Third Dynasty (1960-1830). Ur is located in what is now Iraqi territory and was a large city at the time.
From there, Abram and his father Terah migrated north along the Euphrates River to Haran (meaning “passage”). Haran was a prosperous commercial town on the banks of the Belihos River, a tributary of the Euphrates, and was a transit point on the road from Nineveh and Babylon in the north out to Egypt in the south. It is believed that Harlan, one of the coldest villages in what is now Turkish territory, was its location. Culturally, the town seems to have had some similarities with Abram’s hometown of Ur, including worship of the moon god (Gen. 11:31-32; 12:4-5; Acts 7:2,4).
When Abram was 75 years old, his father Terah died. It seems that Terah had originally planned to go to the land of Canaan. The Bible does not explain why. The area called Canaan was, in the eyes of the Arabian desert people, a place “dripping with milk and honey,” but it was a barren land and poor country compared to the Tigris-Euphrates basin where he lived. Whatever his father Terah’s thoughts were about going there probably influenced the direction of Abram’s subsequent travels.
In short, verse 1 says that the Lord said to Abram God commands Abram to go to Canaan. And he leaves the city of Haran with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and the addition to his own family, in response to the voice of God. But although he says in response to God’s voice, it does not mean that there was no idea in him at all about the direction in which he was going. Moreover, as you will see as you read on, Abram is an extremely sensible man. He is not the kind of person to embark on reckless adventures while still young and spirited. Or, because of his experience, he is too old for such a venture to test his strength in some new land. We are getting to the age where we are at risk, so to speak, both health-wise and mentally. You are at the age where, when you talk to your best friend about wanting to try something new, he or she will tell you that you are too old to get your driver’s license back and that you should just stay quiet.
But if you are at that age, you will probably be thinking about how you have organized your life. If you think about what you have left to do, it would be to see with your own eyes the city that your father, Terah, once set out for involving you. Although he had followed his father Terah to Canaan, neither he nor his father Terah had seen the city. I think it is true that when he wanted to go to Canaan, a land that he was anxious about, but he wondered if he would be able to get there and return home because of his age, God gave him a push on his shoulder and said, “Let your thoughts be fulfilled. And that small, casual thought actually ended up luring him into a life he never thought he would live. God’s invitation is often thought of as a big deal, but it is not. In fact, it is really a small thing, something that came naturally to his heart (Philippians 2:13).
Therefore, I think he did not expect to be told that through him, all peoples of the earth would be blessed, and he did not really know at the time what that might mean. In our time, when we can read the New Testament and understand the teachings of the Bible systematically, we can understand that this is a great plan of God to restore and unite all mankind, I believe that he was compelled to come to terms with God’s intervention in his life at that time.
Moving west, we crossed the Euphrates River near Carchemish and continued south down to Aleppo and Damascus, through strange towns, people, languages, cultures, climates, and terrains, and then came to Shechem, crossing the Jordan River south of Lake Galilee. From the highly civilized city of Ur to the commercial city of Haran and then to the country town of Canaan, the journey was about 640 km. - sudden famine (12:10-20)
When they arrived at Shechem, God again said, “I will give this land to your descendants. So Abram built an altar and worshipped God (v. 8). It is likely that he was offering a thought of entrusting the safety of his journey and his future life to God. He arrived at the land that his father Terah had intended for him, and now he was ready to settle down in it as a God-ordained land.
However, in verse 10, there was a famine in the land. He was forced to go to Egypt, skirting the promised land of Canaan. Furthermore, he was involved in an incident in Egypt, where he was evacuated. A similar episode will appear again in chapter 20, and I will tell you about it there, but the reality is that things are moving in the opposite direction of what we are convinced of in God. The reality of the Christian life is that if we follow the Word of God, we will not be happy with everything. What is important is to think about the life of faith from a long-term perspective. The life of faith also has its ups and downs.
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