【シーズン6】創世記16章 サライとハガル【聖書】人生100倍の祝福


Genesis 16 Sarai and Hagar

  1. sarah seeking a child (16:1-3)
    The problem of a lack of connection between the faith taught and actual life, a problem that has been repeatedly pointed out since the letter of Jude. It is a problem that people become religious after listening to Bible stories in church, but once they step out of the church, they become a different person. In the case of the Japanese people, they switch to a life of incarnationalism and eudemonism. The problem is that the faith-based view of life and worldview that we are told about is not digested enough to change our daily lives.
    The same could be said of Abram and Sarah. Although they, too, believed in God, their actual actions were in line with the social customs and common-sense judgments of the time. Sarah tries to use Hagar, a female slave, to obtain the descendants of Abram’s family. And this was not an outlandish idea.
    The Code of Hammurabi, which is believed to date from roughly the same period as Abram’s, provides a special arrangement for the marriage of female priestesses, who are forbidden to become mothers. That is, if a female slave is given to her husband and a child is given to the female slave, the arrangement is that she must not forget her position as a side wife only. Similar customs could be found in other parts of the country as well, so it was socially acceptable at the time for Sarai to try to use the female slave Hagar to have a child.
    Therefore, Abram accepted the proposal. Indeed, it had been 10 years since Abram moved to the area, and he was 85 years old. If he had been concerned about his own blood relation and had not chosen Eliezer of Damascus, a servant of his own house, as his heir, he would have been forced to accept Sarah’s proposal.
    But God’s will was not so. God’s will was for them to act on the belief that Sarah, who was already in menopause, would give birth to a child. God’s will was for them to have an understanding of God as “Almighty God” and to experience His omnipotence.
  2. the clash between Sarai and Hagar (16:4-16)
    Now, Abram, in defiance of God’s will, accomplishes his goal for the time being by fathering a son by Hagar, a female slave. However, this causes an unexpected problem.
    Hagar goes beyond her role as a concubine and begins to disrespect her master Sarai, who, unable to tolerate Hagar’s attitude, bullies Hagar and throws her out of the house. Well, it is a natural ending. And it is quite understandable that the only way to resolve such a situation is to separate from each other.
    It would have been better if Hagar had not crossed the line. And the retribution was very harsh indeed. He was thrown into the wilderness to await death. I believe that there are many people in today’s society who are being pushed around for the convenience of those who are above them, and are experiencing a truly pitiful, trampled-on experience. Human society is a collection of sinners, so there are things that are miserable and unbearable to hear.
    But this chapter 16 tells us that no matter what happens, God will never abandon the wretched man. However, what is described here is not a method that everyone can choose. It was the way God directed as the case of Hagar, as different from the way Jacob was later driven out by Laban. For Hagar’s survival, God’s recommendation was to lower herself under a jealous mistress. It was an invitation to trust in God’s omnipotence as well as Abram’s. Only a miracle of God can restore a broken relationship. She, too, would be taught the very protection and help of God’s omnipotence.
    For the next decade or so, Hagar spent time in obedient patience with the Lord, and sure enough, the Lord blessed her. And sure enough, the Lord blessed her and she lived on. We will study this again in chapter 25.
    In verse 13, the name of the well by which Hagar sat slumped over after being driven out was named “Be’er Lahai Loi. It means “the well of the living One who sees me. This was the faith that deepened within Hagar, that there was One who kept an eye on the woman who was forced to lead a miserable life at the mercy of her master’s whims.
    This is the faith that deepened in Hagar. It is precisely when you think that you have been discarded like garbage, that your life is over, that you have lost it, that you need to remember this God. And you will open your Bible and pray and ask what God has to say to you. God will give you the challenge to live up to His potential, which you deserve. Trust God. God’s Word is true. God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.