【シーズン6】創世記3章 人間の罪(神への背反)と結果,裁き

Genesis 3: Man’s Sin (Disobedience to God), Consequences, and Judgment

  1. the origin of sin and death (3:1-7)
    Biblical scholar Florence Bjerbout wrote a brief book on Genesis called In the Beginning God, which can be read in two hours, in which Bjerbout said that these three chapters are “among the most important chapters in the entire Bible. Indeed, if you read this chapter, you will ponder why human beings, who were supposedly created in the image of God, are as sinful as they are today. Put another way, it speaks of the origin of human sin and death, as the Apostle Paul says, “Through one man sin entered the world, and through sin death” (Romans 5:12).
    The author takes up the episode of the temptation of the serpent. In the earlier book, Bjerbout suggests that the serpent did not come on its own, but that there was an even worse one (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9) behind it. In other words, as we learned earlier in Revelation, it is also called “Satan” or “the devil” who will eventually be destroyed.
    What is important is the significance of the author’s use of this fairy-tale approach in writing about this event. In other words, it is not an old folktale, but rather a story about a human reality that is still possible today.
    Toyohiko Kagawa, who led the postwar social reform movement, said that people do bad things because their environment is bad, and that if the environment is improved, people will become good people. In fact, based on this belief, Kagawa vigorously promoted social reform in Japan after the defeat in World War II. As he expected, many aspects of Japanese society have been greatly reformed, including school education, medical insurance, the social security system, and consumer cooperatives. However, the society has not yet achieved what Kagawa expected. Society is still moaning about the customs, robberies, murders, etc. that Gagawa lamented.
    Certainly, it was not for lack that Adam and Eve sinned. They sinned in a perfect environment, without any lack. Poverty and scarcity do not make a human being weak. In other words, man has a weakness in his heart itself. Man is created by God, not by God. And we are always subject to temptations written in a fairy-tale fashion. In fact, if we are living apart from God’s precious mission, using this world and people only for self-fulfillment and self-interest, we are reproducing this very episode. Not recognizing God who made you and gave you a mission (vv. 1, 4), this was the temptation of the serpent.
  2. the fresh start of Adam and Eve (3:8-24)
    Then, this episode of Adam and Eve, which has customarily been told as the fall of man, is really just telling us that that is what man is like. The first man, Adam and Eve, were not special. You and I, living today, all have hearts that are susceptible to the deceitfulness of the serpent, we all sin, and we all live in a reality that would make us want to hide ourselves if God were to speak to us.
    But that is not all the author is trying to say. What the author is trying to say, however, is not only that, but also God’s mercy toward those who hide themselves in such a way. First of all, God gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to defend themselves, something He did not allow the serpent to do. God has a heart to speak with man. And He is even receptive to man’s thick-skinned, roundabout protest, “It is because you have placed this wife by my side. Many of us have been so focused on the fall of man that we have overlooked this graciousness of God. When John said, “If we confess our sins, he forgives us our sins, because he is true and just” (1 John 1:9), we should consider that God listens to what we, the accused, have to say as well. God is interested in people, involved with them, and what He can do for them.
    Thus, we say that God noticed what people considered to be shame and actually made and clothed them in robes of skin (v. 21). Notice also the fact that it is only the serpent and the earth that are cursed. Man is not cursed. Man was expelled from the Garden of Eden, but that was a blessing for man. This means that a limit was placed on man’s imperfect nature, that he would not tamper with the fruit of the tree of life and live forever. For the fallible human being, the banishment was also salvation.
    Thus, God did not end His relationship with man, nor did He take away the mission originally given to man. Man, though a sinner, is in God’s grace and protection. But being in grace and protection alone does not give man hope. Thus, the Old Testament is to be combined with the message of eternal forgiveness of sins in the cross of Jesus, which is told in the New Testament, to convey the complete message. In other words, in order to begin to speak of the full salvation of the human soul, the Bible first speaks on its first page of man’s sin-prone condition.
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