【シーズン6】創世記7章 箱舟の完成と大洪水【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 7 Completion of the Ark and the Great Flood

  1. Completion of the Ark (7:1-16)
    It makes you wonder how many years it actually took, but finally Noah completed the ark. God recognized this as Noah’s righteousness (verse 1). In other words, the righteousness recognized by God is not about behaving like a Christian on the surface. Even if one’s life has flaws and imperfections, it is about making God the Lord and following His words.
    God told Noah to enter the ark, and at this time, various animals were gathered (2-3). At this time, there was a difference in the number of clean and unclean animals. However, if you read carefully, there is no difference in the descriptions in the previous chapters 6 (19-20) and the latter half of chapter 7 (15-16), and each one is said to be one pair. It seems that this part is also a description that makes you think that Genesis has combined different materials called J and P. By the way, the number of days of continuous rain is mixed in some places as 40 days and in others as 150 days. However, this is probably just for reference. As some say that this is a repetitive and rough repetition, as I have already mentioned, the principle of interpretation is to understand it through images, just like apocalyptic literature, without getting hung up on the details.
    So in verse 11, it says, “The fountains of the great deep were split open, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” This expression is found in chapter 1, “the waters under the firmament, and the waters above,” a phrase that is only used in poetry in the Old Testament. In other words, it should be understood through images. For the author, it was not just the heavy rain that caused the groundwater to overflow due to changes in the terrain, and the waters above and below became one, and there was a terrible flood that seemed to destroy the work of creation. However, modern research has led to various theories about the scope and extent of the flood. Was it a global catastrophe that covered all the high mountains of the earth, or did it sweep away all living things on earth? The common view is the latter. Since it was a flood that occurred as a judgment on humans, it was enough that all humans died. Either way, this flood was an unprecedented disaster caused by God.
    Verse 16 says, “The Lord shut the door behind him.” It was Noah who shut the door. However, this seems to mean that God strengthened the door that Noah had closed. The Lord protected Noah, who followed the Lord’s advice. It was a great flood that no one could have survived without God’s protection.
    There is a hymn called “Tell the Lord” (No. 423). “Tell the Lord, tell him now, for he is rich in mercy, and he will hear you. Tell the Lord, tell him now, for your comfort is in the Lord, he will uphold you with his mighty hand.” There are times when we are protected by the Lord’s mighty hand. As it says in verse 23, “Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained,” there are times when we are protected and left behind by God alone.
  2. Peter’s Interpretation
    By the way, the apostle Peter in the New Testament quotes and explains this story in his own letter. He says, “This is a type of the baptism that now saves you (1 Peter 3:20, 21).”
    Before Noah entered the ark, people were “eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage (Matthew 24:38).” Earlier, people started praying in God’s name, but now this prayer has been lost and glamorous material civilization has become dominant. It was an era when people lived momentarily, following their desires, without fear of God. In such a situation, it must have been very difficult to live with one’s heart turned to God. It is the same today. However, in such a social climate, God protects and saves those who listen to God’s Word and take the first step to follow God in a rough manner, that is, those who are baptized. It is not that the Bible certainly says good things, or that it is probably true. In order to receive the salvation that the Bible speaks of, one must take a step. It is to board the ark.
    Peter also tells us from this passage that God’s judgment is certain (2 Peter 3:5-7). God will not overlook a self-centered and absurd society. God is the one who does what is right. We may often think that this absurd society will continue forever and that there is no point in living an earnest life. But that is not the case. As we learned in the Book of Revelation, the end is approaching when the righteous will surely be rewarded. Stand in that faith. God’s Word is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to the channel and become a member. See you again tomorrow on this channel.