【シーズン6】創世記5章 アダムの歴史の記録【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 5: A Record of Adam’s History

  1. genealogy of Adam (5:1-20)
    The text reads, “A record of Adam’s history.” It appears to be a genealogy of Adam, but like the genealogy of Shem in chapter 11, it is neatly organized in ten snappy generations. In other words, Genesis is written in a literary, technical, and structural manner, as it has been since the first chapter. So it would be a mistake to superimpose it on a scientific document to understand the beginning of mankind. As I mentioned yesterday, there are probably omissions in this genealogy, just as there are omissions in the origin of Cain’s wife. Furthermore, all of them have an astonishingly long life span. This is also not something that is simply understood and calculated as a real number.
    I must admit that there has been a serious effort to grasp the author’s intent, but it seems to me that this has conversely produced unexpected interpretations that are somehow outside of the author’s intent. For example, a name represents a family, not an individual. For example, the name of a family represents the life span of the family, the age of the family represents the life span of the family, the year in those days was shorter than today, the speed of human growth was different from that of today, the book is written in mystical numbers, and so on. However, as I have already mentioned, Genesis 1-11 is also written in a kind of literary style and should be understood in a rough image, just like the Book of Revelation.
    So what we should focus on is not the numbers, but the author’s repetitive writing. In other words, Adam is depicted as having lived 930 years, Setu 912 years, and Enosh 905 years, all of which are enviably long for a human being. However, no matter how long they live, all human beings eventually die, and although we are born and live a certain number of years, we eventually die without exception. The author, who has been speaking of the moral aspect of man, now addresses the essential part of man.
    In chapter 6, which we will read tomorrow, God has set the life span of man at 120 years, perhaps to make the fact of God’s judgment clearer. This may be an attempt to say that man was originally created to live a long and eternal life, but it is really a fleeting life. At any rate, this chapter is trying to say that we are going to die, whether our life span is long or short. Ecclesiastes speaks poetically of the reality of man’s judgment, as it says, “The dust of the earth shall return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God who gave it” (12:6).
    However, we should not forget that even though we have been judged, there is a blessing in it. For it is misery itself for human beings to live so long with various weaknesses. The fact that God has judged man and placed limits on his life is, on the contrary, a salvation that frees the soul from the prison of this sinful and weak body. Death is also a blessing, as it is said that death is the gate to eternal life. The important thing is to ensure life in the Kingdom of God, not Hades, before passing through the gate of death.
  2. those who walked with God (5:21-32)
    Now, in the latter half of chapter 5, we are drawn to two figures. The first is in verse 24, the life of Enoch. Enoch walked with God. God took him, and he was gone” (v. 24). The phrase “walked with God” means that he lived intimately with God. I have a very memorable children’s message about this passage. It was this story. Enoch was always a man who, while on earth, had a good time with God. He was taking a walk that day, as usual, talking happily with God. He was having so much fun that he lost track of time. When he came to, the sun had already set. Then God said to Enoch, “How far away we are today! We have come a long way today. Stay at my house today,” and Enoch went to live in heaven.
    Reading the Bible, or in other words, reading the Bible in a way that communicates with God, is truly a joyful experience. It is a taste of heaven. I would like to end my life in such a way that I am welcomed into heaven with that same joyful heart. When we walk with God, human death is a passing point. It is not a terminal. Our body may decay, but our soul remains forever. We should live in a way that our present life leads directly to the Kingdom.
    Another thing is verse 28, which teaches us about Lemek’s attitude toward life. The name Lemek also appears in chapter 4 that we read yesterday, but he is a different person. Unlike the earlier Lemek, this Lemek is a man who simply believed that God would bless him even in God’s cursed land. In other words, he is a man who lived in trust in God that even in the midst of an absurd life, God’s blessings are there. People vary in their attitudes toward their God-given family, work, and environment. Among such people, Christians are those who, like Lemek, live their lives believing that God’s blessings are always present in any family, job, or environment. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.