Genesis 14: The Rescue of Lot
- the forces of Abram’s time (14:1-16)
We have already discussed the background of Abram’s time in chapter 12, and in chapter 14 we find a description of the power of the nations surrounding Abram at this time: four kings of the east and the kings of the neighborhood where Abram lived.
The first four Eastern kings were Amrafel, king of Shinar; Aljok, king of Elazar; Kedorlaomer, king of Elam; and Tideaal, king of Goyim. Of these, the central figure was Kedorlaomer, king of Elam (v. 4). In fact, the Elamites were the people who occupied Ur, the center of Sumerian civilization around 1950 BC. Amraphel, king of Shinar, was at one time thought to be the same person as Hammurabi, king of Babylon (ca. 1728-1686), but is now considered to be an obscure figure. The location of Arjok of Elasar, Elasar, is not very well known, but archaeological evidence confirms that there were several kings named Arjok in Mesopotamia. Goyim, meaning “nations,” is also thought to have been a confederacy of the Hetes, although its location is not well known. In any case, the identification of these kings must still be left to further research, but it seems that the author is trying to convey to the reader a historical fact, not a fiction.
Now these kings of the East fought and won against the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adaemah, and Zeboiim, and imposed tribute. The kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Adaemah, and Zeboiim paid tribute for 12 years, but in the 13th year they disobeyed. Then, in the 14th year, the allied army led by Kedorlaomer took retaliatory measures, and during this war, Abram’s nephew Lot was taken prisoner.
In response to this situation, Abram apparently organized an allied army with Mamre, Eshkol, and Aner to fight (vv. 13, 24). And 318 men from Abram’s household participated in this battle, tracking the four kings of the east as far as Dan, where they and Lot recovered all their possessions. One wonders how great Abram’s power had become, but at the same time, one should also consider that there was divine help and miraculous assistance from God. - Melchizedek (14:17-24)
Anyway, in verse 18, when Abram returned from winning the battle, two kings came to him. They were the king of Sodom and Melchizedek, king of Shalem. The king of Sodom came for diplomatic purposes. He said, “Return the people to me and take your property” (v. 21). But Abram does not take anything. He simply makes legitimate demands of the men who follow him. This speaks of Abram’s sound judgment of those who follow him as a leader.
On the other hand, Melchizedek, king of Shalem, was a king and a priest, and the author notes that he brought bread and wine as a priest. He speaks of the blessings of the Most High God, the One who made the heavens and the earth. Moreover, he expresses the same faith as Abram. The fact that Abram offered a tenth of the offering to this priest would indicate that he recognized the authority of that same faith.
Note that Shalem refers to the later Jerusalem, and Melchizedek is a compound of the Hebrew words melech (meaning king) and zedek (meaning righteousness), meaning “righteous king. Later, the author of the New Testament letter to the Hebrews took this event to speak of the existence of Melchizedek priests superior to Levitical priests and as a basis for recognizing Jesus’ priestly authority (Hebrews 7). It could be said that the Bible, from its very beginning, speaks of Christ as the one who describes Him, and of His salvation as a plan from eternity past.
It is important to read Genesis not simply as an old story, but to read it as an explanation of the message of the time of Jesus, taking in the ideas that run throughout the Bible. The Word of God is true. God bless you and may God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.