【シーズン6】創世記4章 人間の罪(人への横暴)と結果,裁き【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 4: Man’s Sin (Outrages on Man), Consequences, and Judgment

  1. the first murder (4:1-8)
    The first half of this fourth chapter (1-16) is the story of Cain and Abel, and the second half (17-26) covers the genealogy of Cain’s family. Basically, the record of “time” before the formation of nations was the record of generations, or genealogies. This is one of them, and important episodes are added to the genealogy.
    The important episodes in the first half were the birth of the first child in human history and the death of a person. However, the recorded deaths were not due to old age but to murder. Here, a new aspect of what it means to be a human being created by God is added. In other words, man is capable of killing even his own brother because of his jealousy.
    Everyone thinks that man is a higher animal, the most superior creature on earth. And indeed, there are those who devote themselves to noble causes and live a noble life, while there are others who live only to fulfill their self-centered desires and end up crossing the line.
    Cain and Abel grew up to adulthood as a tiller of the soil and a shepherd, respectively. One day, they present an offering to God. Then God took a different attitude toward them. This is a common occurrence in our human society, where there is a difference in appreciation for the same effort. However, the author of the New Testament book of Hebrews interprets this incident to point out the difference in the attitude and faith of the two men’s hearts when they offered the offering, rather than the content of the offering or their work effort (Hebrews 11:4). In other words, God looks at the hearts of those who approach and worship Him (Mark 12:43,44). If we are to worship God, we are to worship with a true heart.
    But apart from the interest of the author of Hebrews, what the author of this book wanted to convey here is that Cain, the murderer, was not an atheistic “sinner,” but a man who lived in relationship with God, and yet he disobeyed God and killed even his brother, the depth of human sin. This is the same as Eve. The temptation of the serpent is a reality that makes it easy for people to turn their backs on God’s teachings.
    Cain, like his parents, will be punished and banished. Nod, the land of wandering, east of Eden, meant far from God. Moreover, he would suffer the curse of God that his parents did not. For Cain, the tiller of the soil, the earth would not bring forth fruit, which was fatal. But if the land was cursed when his parents sinned, this would mean that he was finally forced to face the reality that God had once cursed the land head-on in Nod, east of Eden, far from God. God’s judgment on the first murderer was not the death penalty, but a life of bearing the burden of his own sin. In some ways, this is comparable in severity to the death penalty. But God’s love is that He did not allow Cain to be crushed by that reality, but took care to build a new life for him. And God did not allow anyone to intervene in the process that He had decreed. Human beings must face the mistakes they have made. But there is also God’s care and protection. God is not like man. Expulsion is not the end (v. 15). We must not give up on life.
  2. judgment against Cain (4:17-26)
    Verses 17 and following are a continuation of the genealogy of Cain’s descendants, or Adam. How should we understand this genealogy? A simple question is: If Adam and Eve were created as the first man and gave birth to Cain and Abel, where in the world did Cain’s wife come from? Apparently, we must admit that there were events that took place that were not mentioned in the Bible. It is of interest, but it was not of interest to the author. The way to read the Bible is to keep aside what was omitted as omitted and listen to what the author wants to tell us.
    The author’s interest is solely to speak of the reality of human beings who have begun to wander through life apart from God. And that reality is also to be found in God’s watchfulness and care. It does not mean that man, apart from God, began to live by man alone.
    The descendants of Cain have set up cities and started civilizations. In addition to their blacksmithing skills, they create musical instruments and produce a spectacular culture. The inserted song of Lemek is just a mounting song, in today’s fashionable parlance. It is a song in which a man shows off his power to his wife and demonstrates that he is superior to his enemies. However, it depicts the reality of human beings, which is also relevant to today’s society. That is, the progress of civilization, while having its advantages, also increases the sense of excessive power and the destructive power that comes with it, as can be understood in today’s national conflicts. The implication is that it is no longer a matter of killing brothers and sisters, but the reality of human beings committing mass murder by war.
    But while the author speaks of such a human reality, he also tells us of another reality: that people have begun to call on the name of the Lord and pray. What man has that other creatures do not is religiosity. Man is a creature that worships God. But calling on the name of God is not what is called religion. For there can be no invocation of God’s name without a clear recognition of God’s existence and an understanding of God’s substance. What we have in the Christian Church, then, is prayer prayed in the name of Jesus. The prayer of the Christian Church may be a small prayer. But it brings hope in the chaos of human reality. The Word of God is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.