【シーズン6】創世記21章 イサクの誕生(約束の実現)【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 21: The Birth of Isaac (Fulfillment of the Promise)

  1. The Birth of Isaac (21:1-7)
    When we follow Abraham’s life, we notice that the same events are repeated twice. For example, the incident in which his wife Sarah was employed by a foreign king, and the incident involving Ishmael. Hagar was driven out twice, but Abraham was not always the same. The way he responded to problems was different. This could be said to be the growth of Abraham’s humanity and faith. It is true that people do not remain the same forever. Mark was also not appreciated by the apostle Paul at first, but Paul eventually recognized his work and began to call out to him. When people live seriously facing God, they go beyond their limits and take steps to grow as human beings.
    Now, Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a son, just as God had promised. Abraham named the child Isaac. This was exactly as God had commanded them to do (17:19). This served to remind them of their lack of faith in God (18:12-15), and Sarah herself confirmed the joy of having received God’s grace (21:6). There was joy in having faith that nothing is impossible for God, and that the almighty God truly lives.
  2. Hagar and Ishmael are cast out (21:8-21)
    Verse 9 says that Isaac was weaned. He was about three years old, and at this time Ishmael teased the young Isaac. Ishmael was probably already 14 years old. He had begun to develop a sense of independence, and was entering a sensitive period, so he probably began to resent the situation in which he was being treated with disdain. This situation made Isaac’s mother Sarah emotional (verse 10), and Abraham was troubled. God appeared to Abraham and told him not to be troubled, but to accept Sarah’s words, which were inflicting pain on him. Perhaps God intended to personally intervene and take responsibility for Abraham’s problem.
    In fact, God personally revealed Himself to Hagar and Ishmael, who had been driven out, and promised that they too would become a great nation (verse 18). In the human world, if a person is hated, he or she will eventually be trampled on, treated roughly, and driven out, and that will be the end of it. However, things do not end as they appear. God’s plans are unfathomable. God may abandon people, but he never does; He is a merciful God, just as He was with Cain, who sinned.
    Another thing to note is that it was not Hagar’s cries that God heard, but the boy’s voice. After all, the source of all this trouble was the boy’s bullying. He was receiving what he deserved. Although he was dying, he was not one to receive pity. However, mercy is God’s love for those who do not deserve it. This is why we should not despair in this world. The almighty God of the Bible is also a God of compassionate love. Never give up, no matter what. Cry to God.
  3. Abimelech (21:22-34)

Abimelech appears again in verse 22. He could not help but be convinced that God was with Abraham and that he was blessed by God (verse 22). So he tries to make a covenant with Abraham. Strangely enough, the positions of Abimelech and Abraham are reversed. Abimelech used to look down on Abraham and had the power to take his wife for himself. But here Abimelech accepts Abraham’s protest over the ownership of the well and tries to protect himself. God being with us probably means that such a reversal will occur at some point.

Beer means “well” and Sheba means the number “seven.” Seven is a perfect number in Israel. Also, its derivative, Shaba, means “oath.” Therefore, the place where the covenant was made was called Beersheba, which means that the oath over the well was complete. It was firmly recognized that the well belonged to Abraham. In verse 33, the planting of the tree is another testimony of the covenant. Abraham says here, “I prayed in the name of the Lord, the everlasting God.” Abraham’s view of God added another richness to his view of God. The perspective of the eternal God was added to his view of the Almighty God. However, the meaning of the word ‘Olam’, translated as “eternal,” does not mean eternity that transcends time, but rather that an immeasurably long period of time continues. In other words, the Almighty God who guided Abraham will walk with him through life as long as his life continues. In the end, it is eternal, but the image of a continuous presence is important. To trust in God is to entrust our entire lives to Him. God’s word is true. May God bless you. See you again tomorrow on this channel.