【シーズン6】創世記15章 アブラハムへの契約の更新【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 15: Renewal of the Covenant to Abraham

  1. promise to Abram (15:1-7)
    The promise to Abram is “after these events,” which would mean after the earlier battle. That is, after he had shot an enemy far more powerful than himself. His victory shows that his forces were strong, but it was also with God’s help. That is why Abram seeks God even more. God speaks two promises.
    First, “O Abram! Do not be afraid. I am your shield. God will protect Abraham, he says (15:1). He goes on to say that the reward for trusting God is great. We have everything in God, and without Him we will never be satisfied.
    Second, verse 5 says, “Now look up to heaven. If you can count the stars, count them. Your descendants will be like this. I live in Tokyo, where the city is so bright that I can only count the number of stars in the night sky. However, I once went to Datar, Mongolia, the birthplace of Genghis Khan. When I looked up to the heavens in the middle of the steppe, the stars in the night sky there were impressive. And the very uncountable, sandy stars of the seashore, reminding me of God’s blessing to Abram, “Your descendants will be like this” (22:17), made me shudder.
    Indeed, one’s steps will be determined by God. It is not by man’s schemes or efforts. People think that one’s life is one’s own to make. In a sense, this is a correct way of thinking. Self-effort is important. However, only those who have made efforts know that there is a new frontier, a new world that is a blessing from God that transcends one’s own limitations.
    In this sense, Abram must have been ruminating on God’s words as he realized his own limitations (v. 3). Abram frankly complained to God about his old age and the fact that he had no son or heir. God warns Abram not to focus only on the possibilities of reality. He tells him to look up to the heavens and expect only the Almighty God, who made everything. A life without trust in God is a life that only survives in its own strength and real possibilities. But to accept God’s Word as true, to accept it, and to live trusting God to the end, that is faith, and furthermore, that is how we come to know what God is. Abram chose to live by faith. When we see that God has prepared the best path for us that we could never have imagined, life becomes a lot easier, and we can even look forward to it.
  2. covenant (15:7-21)
    Finally, Abram asked for a sign. Everyone wants to remember the certainty of God’s protection. What is noteworthy is that God is with Abram. Faith, too, is something that God gives. God’s promises are mysteriously confirmed by God. We don’t have to believe them by earnestly trying to believe them.
    In those days, the act of cutting an animal in half and passing through it was one of the ways of making a covenant and confirming it, and was often used by the ancient Chaldeans. If the covenant was broken, there was this confirmation that it was good, although it would be torn asunder.
    But in this covenant, strangely enough, Abram is deeply asleep. And only God performs the act of confirming the covenant. It sounds like a one-man show, but the important part is that God himself promised that if he broke the covenant, he would tear himself apart and commit seppuku. God is firmly confirming his promise to bless, and if he fails to keep his blessing, he will atone for it with death. It is a wonder. It is strange that there is a God who wants to be involved in this way. The important thing is to know this God and to face Him (Eph. 2:8,9).
    And to know this God, we must first continue to read the Bible. And to know this God, we must continue to read the Bible, and to read and savor the Word of God. In any case, if you have a desire, you must appeal to God for it. And then look for the answer in the Bible. Everything starts from there. It is not easy to understand the Bible if you read it alone. Please go to your local church and study the Bible. God’s word is truth. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.