【シーズン6】創世記2章 人間の創造【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 2: The Creation of Man

  1. the story of creation (2:1-14)
    In chapter 1, the creation of the world was described, and human beings were only a part of that creation; in chapter 2, the focus is on the creation of human beings.
    In chapter 1, we were told that man was created in the image of God. That is not to say that God also has hands, feet, and a face in terms of external appearance. Rather, he is referring to the fact that man was created in the image of God’s inner form of love and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). Modern theologians take “form” to mean relational (being in a special relationship with God), but it is also substantive (human characteristics and nature). In fact, this is because it provides a basis for saying that what is important for human beings is not appearance but substance, life, and the preciousness of human existence itself.
    I once saw a movie called “The Elephant Man” (http://elephantman4k.com/). The main character was deformed and looked like an elephant, so he was called the Elephant Man and was used as a tool in the show business. Through his interaction with a surgeon, he opens his heart and recites the 23rd Psalm. It was a moving scene that made him understand the preciousness of human existence itself. Do we recognize ourselves as created in the image of God? And, in the same way, do we recognize others as created in the image of God? The presence or absence of such awareness will change the way people relate to others.
    However, our reality is that we are made in the image of God, but image of God is distorted. People lie, cheat, and deceive with impunity. They treat deformed people as objects and use them as means of making money in freak shows. But we should understand that this is what the Bible calls sin. And we should understand that human beings are expected to repent of their sins and walk in the restoration of this divine form. The true richness and abundance in human society begins with a proper understanding of human beings.
  2. creation of human beings (2:15-25)
    These two chapters also describe what we need to understand about human beings. Second, man was made of the “dust of the earth” (Job 10:8). We are born on this earth in various forms, but we owe that form to God. And it is already implied that man will eventually return to the dust of the earth (Ecclesiastes 12:6).
    God also breathed into this mud puppet the breath of life. This is not to say that an empty vessel has been infused with the substance of life. In the original Hebrew, it speaks of a human being becoming a living soul (v. 7). This is the key point that gives us a deeper understanding of the soul that sinned and became a mortal soul in contrast by the next three chapters.
    At any rate, there can be no man without God. There is God and there is man. It is probably because of this special relationship between God and man that the Bible repeatedly refers to God as “the Lord, who is God. God is the Lord of man.
    Now, the creation of man does not end there. God gives him an environment in which to live and entrusts him with the management of it. In other words, recognizing God as the creator of man also means that God has the mission to create many more things for man and to use them rightly. People rejoice in and cherish this world through faith that God created and gave everything on earth for human beings. And it is with this awareness that we consider the development of all industry, engineering, and medicine. Faith is not a matter of attitude toward God, but of a way of life that rightly governs this world.
    Finally, an important point in the creation of man is verse 18, where God has provided man with the “helpers” he deserves. No hierarchy or difference in power between men and women is assumed here. What is being said here is that men and women have a mission to make this world a better place by respecting each other, helping each other, and complementing each other.
    They were naked, but they were not ashamed of it. In other words, there was a “feeling of complete security” among them. Interestingly, they had none of the modern human possessions. They had no smart phones, nice living rooms, cars, education, status, or even children. Yet they shared a perfect peace. It is well understood that this should be their starting point, the enjoyment of peace in the midst of nothing. Thus the chapter points out that man has implicitly lost that sense of security. It then speaks to the fact that there is a place for man to which he should originally return.
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