【シーズン6】創世記17章 アブラハムへの契約の再認【聖書】人生100倍の祝福


Genesis 17: Reaffirmation of the Covenant to Abraham

  1. understanding god’s omnipotence (17:1-21)
    When Abram was told of God’s promise of procreation, he had no idea that he would be given a child, and was thinking of taking his servant Eliezer as his heir. In response, God told him that “he who is born of you (15:4)” would succeed him.
    Abram’s response was that Sarai was too old, and that it was impossible for her to succeed him, so he decided to have a son by a female slave, and Ishmael was born. He said he believed in God, but what he was doing could have been done without believing in God. But this is the reality of human faith.
    Thirteen years had passed since that event, and Abram was now 99 years old. Once again, God appeared to Abram and said, “You say you believe in me, but you don’t understand at all. The “one who will come forth from yourself” is not the son of the female slave Hagar, but the son that your wife Sarai will bear to you. He says that for a person to believe in God is to know and believe in His omnipotence.
    The phrase “Almighty God” is el shaddai in Hebrew. Its meaning has traditionally been understood as the (sha) God (el) where “fullness” (die) is found. In God, then, is our fullness. When we have the unshakable conviction that nothing is impossible with God, we can stand as believers, unperturbed by every little thing.
    Now, God changes the name of “Abram” to “Abraham. In the Bible, a new name often makes a person aware of his or her new identity. Such is the case with Jesus’ renaming of Kepha as Peter. At any rate, Ab means “Father,” and Ram is an Akkadian word meaning “beloved” or a Western Semitic word meaning “high,” meaning “Father loves” or “exalted Father.” God called his Abram, Abraham. It is a compound word with hamone, meaning “many” or “multitude,” meaning “father of many nations. You are not just a father specially recognized and exalted by God, but from now on you will be “father of many nations,” he said. This is a paraphrase of the words of chapter 15, “Look up to the heavens and count the stars.
    His wife “Sarai” was also renamed “Sarah” on this occasion. Sarai means “lover of strife,” while Sarah means “princess. Abram would see himself as a new person and in a new relationship with a new wife, and he would also see the God he believed in from a new perspective, God Almighty. It means that he has gone from believing in God vaguely to trusting in God that nothing is impossible and that God is God Almighty.
  2. circumcision (17:22-27)
    God also encouraged Abram to be circumcised as a sign in this covenant. Later, the formality of circumcision as a sign of the covenant became more important than the content of the covenant. It is a problem for us sinners to lean toward the form rather than the content.
    The meaning of circumcision, then, was that it testified to standing in God’s covenant. What is even more important is that Ishmael, the men of the house, the slaves born in the house, and those bought with money from foreigners, were all circumcised along with Abraham. In other words, all of Abraham’s family would accept the one covenant. And so the flock of God’s covenant is formed.
    We could say that the Christian church today is the same baptized people and family. When you are baptized, you are prepared to receive God’s blessing together with this church family. The same is true for the transferring members.
    God is once again repeating His former promises to Abraham. Moreover, this time, He clearly sets a deadline: “This time next year, I will make my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you” (v. 21). Isaac is a word that means “he laughs.” Certainly the birth of a child to a 100-year-old and to a 90-year-old wife was unacceptable and something to be bitterly laughed at.
    But that is what it means to believe in an omnipotent God. God used the situation of Abram’s complete death of fertility to raise a flock that would stand by this omnipotence. To have faith is to believe in an omnipotent God who raises the dead. Faith in the resurrection of Jesus, so that it becomes the faith of the Christian. The Word of God is true. May God bless you. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.