人生💯倍の安心😊【聖書】歴代誌第二8章 見せかけでなく 

8章 ソロモンの祝された事業












Chapter 8 Solomon’s Blessed Business

  1. exhausting one’s wisdom

Solomon spent 20 years building the house of his Lord and his palace. It was indeed a great undertaking. Verse 1-6 of this chapter record various projects that were carried out with them. It can be summed up in the words, “Everything he longed to build he built.” However, what is noteworthy among them is that Solomon took over the worthless land that had been rejected by Hiram and rebuilt these cities (1 Kings 9). Solomon thought that nothing should be thrown away, and pursued utility value. What is important is what readers at the time felt about this record of Solomon. The readers at the time were exiled returnees who were trying to rebuild the ruined Jerusalem. They must have wondered what the reconstruction project they were trying to do would mean to them. Until things take shape, it can sometimes make you feel like what you’re doing is pointless. But don’t give up easily. The first is to strive to complete the work.

  1. Revealing Spiritual Values

Solomon also distinguishes between Israelites and non-Israelites. No, he says, he made a distinction between those who believed in God and those who did not, and placed like-minded people in leadership positions, and conscripted those who did not to servitude. After all, there is a way to proceed with things. It’s difficult to do things with people who have different values. In that sense, the readers of the time also clarified the banner of becoming God’s people and tried to unite (Nehemiah 13). The church is also a community that shares spiritual values ​​and spirits. A church is not just a place where good people gather. It is a place where people who worship God and put God first come together to live in God’s grace.

  1. living before God

Now Solomon says that he offered a burnt offering to his Lord on the altar of the Lord that he had built in front of the door. That is to say, according to Moses’ command, he offered it according to his daily routine, and on each Sabbath and at each new moon (v. 12). It was clear to everyone that Solomon was walking in obedience to God. But Solomon’s personal life is also different. Solomon took Pharaoh’s daughter as his wife and built her a house to live in. So Solomon clearly doesn’t take things religiously in this regard. Rather, he has a political mindset. In other words, he had a double standard way of life. It was a major factor in the subsequent collapse of Solomon’s steps.

The important thing is to always be conscious of living before God. It is to remember that we are living in the presence of God and exposed to His gaze. You will live in the evaluation of God, who can see your heart, rather than your reputation in public. This will guide our true steps. Solomon commanded people to take religious steps as part of their daily routine. Certainly, it is important and a testimony to persevere in the habit every day. But the important thing is that it is not influenced by people and is protected before God. I would like to cherish the solid steps of joining hands with God, not double standards, not pretending to people. I hope you have a good day today.


<Quiz corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. What materials were cymbals used in Israel at the time Chronicles was written? ①Brass, ②Bronze, ③Iron, the answer was ②Bronze. Here’s today’s Bible quiz. How many talents of Ophir gold did David prepare for the building of the temple? ①450 talents, ②1500 talents, ③3000 talents, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.